Vapouround magazine Issue 09 | Page 185

Conversational Narcissism . A third and very important rule to follow is to Control Your Expressions . When you first meet someone many researchers say it is best to focus on your eye contact , your smile and your posture . Next , another rule would be to Get in Sync - Researchers have found that adjusting your posture , voice , words and gestures to match those of a new acquaintance is critical , because we are attracted to others who are just like us . People respond when you speak at their pace . To establish an instant rapport , mirror your new friend ’ s head nods and tilts . Of course , that may seem kind of like a strange interactive method when attempting to make a good impression , yet it comes highly recommended by social interaction researchers as long as you don ’ t appear to look like a mime . One of the most important factors to consider when making a good first impression is to Use Flattery Sparingly . People like to be flattered , even if they suspect you are brown-nosing - they still like it , but use flattery judiciously . Focus on the other person ' s accomplishments or achievements . This works best when a person believes you don ' t say ingratiating things to just anyone . The Do-Over is also critical to keep in mind because this deals with If you happen to initially make a bad impression , the game isn ’ t over yet , don ’ t give up - do-it-over . If at first you don ' t succeed , dust yourself off and try again . Show your sense of humor , say something like “ that was my representative you met earlier , I apologize for his / her attitude ” and simply introduce yourself again . Believe it or not , it works 99 % of the time . Everyone loves redemption ( Lesko 2006:35 ). In conclusion , all of these suggestions have been directly proposed by researchers and experts of social interaction and can surely help improve or guide anyone towards effective
communication . However , these recommendations are not necessarily geared toward just anyone , they are directly highlighted for the vaping advocates within our community of vapers . By no means is this a lecture on how we don ’ t know how to communicate - it is more like a testament to the fact that non-vapers prefer not to hear about anything vape-related and we have a responsibility to make them care . Nor is this a guide on how to manipulate your conversation partner - it is a set of suggestive approaches to help vapers persuade non-vapers to possess a mindset that allows them to understand deep-down how much vaping means and what it represents for the entire nonvaping world . Typically , advocating for vaping may include writing and calling your state ’ s representatives , signing petitions and remaining active on social media . However , I believe it is essential that we get back to basics . Those basics would , of course , include face-to-face efficient intrapersonal communication skills . Vapers are genuinely great communicators , but others are not and if they have nothing to contribute to the conversation , they won ’ t care . Hopefully , the notion of “ Vapecommunicate ” had some helpful tips for advocates to become more well-rounded listeners . Hence , building social interactive efficiency for a collective constituency of advocates .
“ Typically , advocating for vaping may include writing and calling your state ’ s representatives , signing petitions and remaining active on social media .”
The FDA regulations are extremely illogical and increasingly confusing , which in turn , becomes increasingly complicated . Thus , this is exactly what causes all the misunderstandings and resentment among vapers and their counterparts . This war on Vaping has angered so many and unfortunately we seem to become increasingly more irate as a result . This is exactly why successful approaches in communication are necessary keys to achieving common ground with the opposition , but most importantly with non-vapers . For Vaping Advocates , one of the most beneficial forms of advocating , would be an everlasting nourishing enrichment process for finely tuning the communication skills required to obtain the equality , respect and non-marginalization this passionate community so desperately desires and deserves .