Vapouround magazine Issue 04 | Page 91

F E AT U R E Sociology and Vaping can be considered as martial arts, they are serving as tools of protection; harm reduction in tobacco abuse protects us from smoking, essentially, vaping clearly protect us. Sociology could easily be interpreted as a harm reduction technique as well, since it protects us from ignorance, false consciousness and anything else known to be immoral. your minds and open up doors you may have never known were closed. Then again, these attempts could very well be unsuccessful, yet opening locked doors of my consciousness and increasing my overall understanding of social awareness is exactly what Sociology did for me. So, I urge you to follow along and give it a chance. One of the few legendary Sociologists, Pierre Bourdieu referred to Sociology as a martial art; a form of selfdefense. As Vapers, we know how effective vaping truly is as a harm reduction method. Since Vaping reduces the harm we are causing ourselves, it is reasonable to suggest how vaping defends us from smoking. Therefore, both Sociology and Vaping can be considered as martial arts, they are serving as tools of protection; harm reduction in tobacco abuse protects us from smoking, essentially, vaping clearly protect us. Sociology could easily be interpreted as a harm reduction technique as well, since it protects us from ignorance, false consciousness and anything else known to be immoral. Ultimately, Sociology is harm reduction and since Vaping can also be considered a martial art, these two entities go hand in hand. So, it is Sociology and Vaping that are becoming one in the same, not smoking and vaping; the mass differences among smoking and vaping continue to grow. The similarities between Sociology and Vaping thus continue to become vast and universal. It’s safe to say these two have a very healthy relationship, which is difficult to come by these days. Nevertheless, let us further examine what Sociology technically is,by definition. The academic discipline known as Sociology can be and has been defined in a number of separate incidents, yet all in a similar fashion. The American Sociological Association has defined Sociology as the study of group life. Also, Sociology has been as defined as the study of social interaction and societal issues. Pierre Bourdieu, a Sociologist with a celebrity-type status among his native country of France, defined Sociology as the scientific study of social phenomena in human beings. Many textbooks like to simplify, using as few words as possible, simply stating that Sociology is the study of human behavior. In light of this, due to the simplified and broad spectrum of information being used to define Sociology by organizations as well as textbooks, I myself, prefer to eradicate simplicity due to the widerange of issues in which Sociology can cover. Sociology is ubiquitous; Sociology is connected to everything and anything. Therefore, when defining Sociology, it is certainly beneficial to be very slightly vague since Sociology is so broad in scope, but in its very essence, Sociology is infinite, that is why, without a doubt, Sociology is synonymous with the term ubiquitous. While these textbook definitions are certainly accurate, it seems slightly devaluing to the academic discipline of Sociology by not including some very key elements. In which, personally, I prefer to refer to Sociology as “an intellectual academic discipline which systematically theorizes and scientifically interprets data regarding socially interactive human behavior, a vast array of societal issues and how these larger issues affects individual personal lives, as well as the process of a comparative analysis between current social findings with previous social research.” Therefore, Sociology can be a powerful tool for assisting others in determining their opinion or belief of whether vaping is as beneficial as vapers claim it to be or if it is as dangerous and harmful as antivaping affiliates assume. Altogether, there are three main theoretical perspectives to Sociology, these include the Conflict Perspective, Symbolic Interactionism, and Structural Functionalism. In other words, imagine you were at the top of the Empire State Building, but in actuality it isn’t that exact building, yet it is still a tall skyscraper where you could look down on the world around you by simply looking below you. Imagine there are three separate telescopes you could view society from all at the very top of this highrise building. One of these telescopes is VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE ISSUE 04 91