Vapouround magazine Issue 04 | Page 102

F E AT U R E DIARY OF A VAPER w ith Be ck y Re eve s, S a l e s E xecut ive at Vapouroun d M agaz i ne y name is Becky Reeves and I’m proud to say that I’m a former smoker. I’ve been vaping for around six months and have to say that I love it. Smoking is a hard addiction to quit and having been a 30-cigarette-a-day smoker, I didn’t think I could ever stop smoking. I have tried quitting on several occasions. If I was to be given £1 for every time I declared that I’d quit smoking, I’d be a billionaire. I initially wanted to quit smoking because it’s a smelly, unhealthy, expensive habit. I had accepted all this and had resigned myself to the fact that I would be a lifelong smoker. This was until I received some shocking health news. My family has a history of breast and ovarian cancer – my mum has both, which is why both my sister and I took a cancer gene test. My sister wasn’t a carrier – but I was. You don’t really think about your mortality, but this test was a wake-up call that forced me to address a massive issue that had been preying on mind for months. I was more susceptible to cancer than most and I had to do something about it. I have a loving family and to think that I could be hurting them and myself from smoking was the turning point. After researching various smoking cessation tools, I looked into vaping. I had seen friends’ vape, but I didn’t really know much about it. I was properly introduced to vaping via work. I’m a sales executive at Vapouround Magazine, which is where I learnt more about it. As with starting anything new, I was a little apprehensive. There is a lot of M 102 ISSUE 04 VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE negative press around vaping, with horror stories aplenty which the media constantly bombard us with. How the ingredients of e-liquid are carcinogenic, how batteries explode randomly to cause first degree burns, I could go on. I’ll be honest, I was really, really wary about vaping. I finally took the vaping plunge. Putting my fears aside I started on 24mg nicotine strength e-liquid, which is an average amount to start on, considering my 30 a day habit. It took a few days to get used to and I soon realised within 48 hours of vaping, that I hadn’t touched a cigarette. Result! My first device was a VIP e-cig pen. It’s good for a new vaper and I loved it, because it was all funky and had a groovy pattern. I’m now on the Sigelei Fuchai and vaping Heartland Vapes Chocolate as we speak, which I absolutely love. I vape all the time now. When smoking, I was always tired, suffered from a chesty cough in the morning, and reeked of tobacco. Now I’m scented with a delicious fragrant and fruity aroma and have bucket-loads of energy for my children. Thanks to vaping, I have finally stopped smoking and my life is all the better for it. Now, I speak about the benefits of vaping whenever I can; which is just as well, because my day job involves spreading the word about vaping. I’m a sales executive at Vapouround and have to say, that work really opened my eyes. Getting product knowledge, chatting to vapers, speaking with companies about their wonderful vaping hardware and juices – I couldn’t be happier. To those who are contemplating giving up smoking, I’d recommend giving vaping a go. It may not be for you, but you can certainly try it. Smoking is an addiction. It is easier said than done to quit, but with vaping, &V6