Vapouround magazine Issue 03 | Page 68

F E AT U R E DIARY OF A VAPER wi th L e e W hy te , S c o t l a n d M an ager at H ealt hi er Smoker t the age of 16 I started my first job at a greyhound racing stadium. Everyone I worked with was much older and most of them smoked. One day a group of us (me being the only nonsmoker) happened to be on our break. Now, I don't know what gave me the urge, but probably down to curiosity, I asked for a cigarette and sparked up. The day after, I had a craving for another one. So I went and bought 10 cigarettes. Smoking soon had an over powering hold of me... and my habit began. Over the first year of being a smoker, my intake increased from 10 a day, rising quickly to 20. By the end of the year, I was on 30 cigarettes a day. Fast forward 10 years and now I am an avid vaper and managing three vape stores in Scotland. How did this come to be? It all started two years ago. My health A “To he lp s om e o n e give u p s m oki n g and h e lp th e m o n t he i r journ ey to b e a heal th i e r va p e r is S O sati s f yi n g. It’s t r u ly a great f e e li n g.” for a 24 year old was becoming very worrying for my family and girlfriend. Every morning when I woke up, I’d have my first cigarette of the day and rush into the bathroom to cough up the most vile greenish black substance. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs or run for the bus without getting breathless and feeling 66 ISSUE 03 VAPOUROUND MAGAZINE faint. Smoking had that much of a tight grip on me, yet I continued regardless. At the time, I was working in a deadend job selling windows for an energy company. I had zero motivation, rubbish hours and the pay was poor. One afternoon I was on my lunch break in Glasgow city centre with my last £30 to my name, when I spotted a small electronic cigarette stall. The sign said: ‘Stop smoking for £20’. I made my way over and started speaking to the chap. At first I was very sceptical. He gave me all the basic information needed and I bought my first starter kit. Best decision ever! After only one month of vaping, my health improved dramatically – no more coughing or breathlessness. I even helped my colleagues at the time to make the switch and got around 10 people in the office off the cigarettes. They were all over the moon and joked with me saying, “Lee you should sell these, you’re in the wrong job.” A seed was planted in my mind. With a better outlook in life and feeling at my most healthiest in 10 years, I started searching for a job in a vape shop. After a lot of C.V. spreading I heard back from Healthier Smoker where I got a start in the Parkhead store. With my newfound job, it was amazing to see customers’ faces when they returned. A common quote was: “I can't believe it works! I have not had a cigarette for a few weeks.” To help someone give up smoking and help them on their journey to be a healthier vaper is SO satisfying. It’s truly a great feeling. After about eight months in my store watching the customer base grow and grow, I was offered a promotion to run our 3 Scottish stores. As yo u can imagine, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. It’s great to travel to different places and meet vapers from all over. The joy of meeting new people with the same interests, and sharing our success stories is wonderful. It really does feel like we’re one big community. I haven’t touched a cigarette for over two years now and would never look back. I also enjoy cloud-chasing and we can't do that with a 10 pack of cigarettes. I urge all vapers to help any smokers they know, to give up the cigarettes. Let’s make this vaping family even bigger than what it is now. Let us all share the positives, the success stories and educate people to a new freedom. Most importantly... VAPE ON!! To know more about Lee and his fabulous vapes, hop onto Facebook and search for Healthier Smoker.