Vapouround Magazine Canada VMC PREVIEW | Page 27

“WE HAVE SERIOUS CONCERNS ABOUT THE POTENTIAL NEGATIVE IMPACTS THAT THIS REGULATION WILL HAVE ON BOTH THE VAPING INDUSTRY AND ON ADULT SMOKERS IN ONTARIO WHO SEEK A LESS HARMFUL ALTERNATIVE” – CVA He added: “We have serious concerns about the potential negative impacts that this regulation will have on both the vaping industry and on adult smokers in Ontario who seek a less harmful alternative.” CVA president Shaun Casey said it demonstrated “a lack of understanding of how much education and training it takes to transition people from smoking to vaping.” He added: “This regulation will make the transition for adult smokers almost impossible, leading to fewer people finding and trying vaping, thereby reducing access for adult smokers and ultimately shutting down the industry and turning it over to less-effective Big Tobacco products to again dominate this space.” Treating e-cigarettes and combustibles as one and the same under regulations is certainly nothing new, but few in recent years have been so potentially stifling. Vape shops and companies have found ways to survive and adapt to mandatory changes in bottle size, packaging, marketing techniques and e-liquid recipes. Though difficult and very costly, the response to the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) has largely been a success story highlighting a resilient and safety- friendly industry doing what needed to be done and working with regulators in a spirit of mutual good faith. VMC | 27