Vapouround Magazine Canada VMC PREVIEW | Page 18

NEWS TORONTO’S FIRST VAPE ONLY CONDOMINIUMS HOUSING DEVELOPER OPTIONS FOR HOMES IS BANNING CIGARETTES FROM ITS NEW CONDOS BUT E-CIGARETTES ARE ALLOWED BY STAFF REPORTER Options for Homes, a non-profit Canadian home developer, has announced it will bring the first ever smokeless condo building to the housing market this summer. The Humber project will see the construction of a multi-unit, family- friendly condo of mainly two and three-bedroom suites for families. It features a “Smoke Less” initiative where residents will not be allowed to smoke traditional cigarettes in the complex but will be able to consume nicotine and cannabis via e-cigarettes and vaping devices. Options’ CEO Heather Tremain said: “We know from surveying our potential purchasers that there’s deep interest in smoke-free buildings. We think this idea of Smoke Less speaks to peoples’ concern about the impact of smoking while respecting individual choice and understanding that we’re on the cusp of a major cultural shift when it comes to cannabis. We feel that restricting smoking while permitting vaping strikes the right balance between the best interest of many and the personal rights of the few.” Some of the most common complaints from condo residents revolve around smoking such as unwanted smoke transf er, discarded cigarette butts and fire risks. Options for Homes wanted to address that with their new development. The Smoke Less initiative also reflects both the wider acceptance of e-cigarettes as a viable alternative to smoking and the forthcoming legalization of cannabis in Canada. Residents at The Humber will only be allowed to vape in their own condos but both smoking and vaping will be banned in common areas including elevators, stairwells, hallways, parking garages, laundry facilities, lobbies, outdoor spaces and entertainment rooms. It will also restrict growing cannabis on balconies or in homes. Options for Homes conducted extensive research ahead of their decision to proceed with the project, consulting multiple studies to see if such a change would effectively reduce the smoking rates in their buildings. The company sent out a survey to 7,000 people listed as “potential purchasers” which questioned them on their attitudes towards smoking, vaping, cannabis use, and how their beliefs would inform their decision to purchase. They had 800 responses, two thirds of which stated, “they would be more likely to purchase in a smoke-free building,” with 13 percent 18 | VMC of those respondents claiming it wouldn’t make a difference in their decision. Almost half (49 percent) of respondents said they would be, “more likely to purchase” if cannabis was restricted to e-cigarettes, with 28 percent saying it wouldn’t make a difference and 13 percent would be “willing to switch to a vape device” to use cannabis. As many as 80 percent said it wouldn’t make a difference either. Options also found “12 percent of respondents said they’d be willing to switch to a vape device for tobacco, while 81 percent said the question was not relevant to them.” The developer said the survey showed “the majority of our potential purchasers favour restrictions on smoking and that there is a willingness to find alternatives to combustible smoking.” It also consulted studies on the health implications of e-cigarettes as compared to regular cigarettes to determine whether such a policy would reduce the overall impact of smoking. Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes, a January 2018 study from National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine stated “There is conclusive evidence that completely substituting e-cigarettes for combustible tobacco cigarettes reduces users’ exposure to numerous toxicants and carcinogens present in combustible tobacco cigarettes.” Similarly, a March 2017 study on toxin exposure in long-term e-cigarette users from Annals of Internal Medicine concluded that long-term e-cigarette use, “is associated with substantially reduced levels of measured carcinogens and toxins relative to smoking only combustible cigarettes.” RESTRICTING SMOKING WHILE PERMITTING VAPING STRIKES THE RIGHT BALANCE BETWEEN THE BEST INTEREST OF MANY AND THE PERSONAL RIGHTS OF THE FEW