Vapouround Magazine Canada VMC PREVIEW | Page 11

BANNING THE SALE OF VAPING PRODUCTS TO MINORS … IS A LOGICAL STEP TO REDUCE AVAILABILITY TO TEENS. WHY ALSO BAN FLAVOURS? … AND RESTRICT THE OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO THE ADULTS WHO NEED THEM AND RELY ON THEM TO STAY AWAY FROM TOBACCO? If vaping is such an important part of their plans for reducing smoking, shouldn’t they want it to be available in the most effective way possible? While vaping is not “safe”, it is indisputably safer than smoking, whether that’s continuing to smoke versus quitting and vaping, or taking up smoking for the first-time versus taking up vaping. Banning the sale of vaping products to minors – which they have done – is a logical step to reduce availability to teens. Why also ban flavours – which aren’t available to minors – and restrict the options available to the adults who need them and rely on them to stay away from tobacco? Vaping is the most effective way to quit smoking and does need to be regulated carefully to ensure it remains a less harmful alternative, but it must be regulated in such a way that it also remains an available alternative. Flavour bans don’t just make vaping less appealing to those who cannot purchase the products, they also make it less appealing and more difficult for those who are able to and want to make the switch. VMC | 11