Vaping Press Issue 006, Vol. 01 | Page 37

Base Liquid : 80 % VG / 20 % PG Nicotine Level : 12mg / mL
“ When the recent exhalation of vapor hangs in the air and drifts around lazily .”
Clouds of Berries sounds like a euphemism that might be used in a yogurt commercial and upon reading this name on the side of our Diamond Vapor sample bottle , we got all kinds of wild ideas about what this flavor could be . A couple of the Vaping Press testers postulated theories of a creamy fruit flavor , while others seemed to think that this was clearly a sweet berry blend . So what was the real outcome ? Read on to see what we uncovered after popping the top off of this enticingly named eJuice !
As you all probably know by now , the first test Vaping Press puts any juice through is the smell check , as smell can tell you a lot about what ’ s in a juice before you even take a puff . Lifting Clouds of Berries to our noses and pumping the bottle a few times , the scent we got was about the closest thing we can perceive to being slapped in the face by a berry . It ’ s hard to make out a single berry flavor in this juice , mainly because we have a sneaking suspicion that ALL of the berries are in it — and trust us , this isn ’ t a bad thing at all ! It smells great !
We moved on to the taste test in quite a hurry after smelling this juice and after loading up a clearomizer , there was no hesitation by any of our staff members to hit the go button . As we surmised by the fruity nature of this vape , there wasn ’ t a mega throat hit to be had , however the one we got was decent and definitely passable by all accounts . Interesting to note about the throat hit as well , was the concentrated punch that we got from it : kind of like a targeted potency that was quick to pass .
The flavor that Clouds of Berries delivers is a complicated one indeed , much like the smell that we were perplexed by in the beginning . It appears to shy more on the side of a blackberry , but the complexity of the juice also connotes the possibility of a raspberry or strawberry additive . And while a berry-esque flavor seems to be the agreed upon note that ’ s being exhibited , it all quickly turns into a flowery taste that we ’ ve come to see in many , many fruity blends . Overall , Clouds of Berries is quite confusing , as it seems to be constantly evolving as we vape it . This feature will intrigue some and frustrate others , as we came to learn very quickly .
The finish that Clouds of Berries provides is one of lingering vapor : a feature that vapers love to see ! When the recent exhalation of vapor hangs in the air and drifts around lazily , it ’ s a calming sight that ’ s usually the sign of a solid finish , no matter what flavor you ’ re vaping .
Here ’ s the scoop on Clouds of Berries from Diamond Vapor : it ’ s an interesting concept with plenty of flavors , but the trouble with it comes when the individual tones change so rapidly that it all turns into potpourri . The decent throat hit and lazy vapor that precede and follow it are solid , but we just can ’ t shake the fact that everything in between is so undefined . It ’ s a case of too much that yields too little .

Scores -

THROAT HIT : 5 CUMULATIVE : 2.7 out of 5 www . diamond-vapor . com / clouds-of-berries