Vaping Press Issue 006, Vol. 01 | Page 27


COVER STORY Roll Out the Red Carpet :

Leaders are the ones who shape and define communities , and the vaping community is no different . Through online postings , reviews and videos , a few individuals have emerged as strong voices within this community . They provide valuable industry information , news and opinions that are helping to connect eCigarette enthusiasts , providing definition to an otherwise nebulous group . The following are some of the online stars of the vaping community :
Watching a video by PBusardo is a bit like engaging in a conversation with a convention presenter : he ’ s very well informed , fast talking and highly technical , but at the same time , he ’ s genuinely approachable and accessible .
His quick-paced eloquence could be easily confused with salesmanship if he wasn ’ t so incredibly thorough and informative in his product reviews .
Instead , it seems like PBusardo has such a sophisticated understanding of the products he ’ s reviewing that he has to be as quick and concise as possible just to get it all out in a reasonable amount of time . This can be a bit dizzying if you ’ re trying to take notes or if you ’ re comparison-shopping by watching different product reviews .
PBusardo ’ s videos contain just about all of the information you ’ ll need to gain a thorough understanding of the product he ’ s reviewing . If you have a very specific question about a particular feature , you can be fairly well assured he ’ ll cover it .