Vaping Press Issue 006, Vol. 01 | Page 20

several working together ( or not ) on a board where majority rules . Your first move is to find out how the local government units are set up , and that ’ s the easy part . Most municipalities and counties use the Internet as a tool to promote transparency and attract potential employers .
Not all laws passed by a council , mayor or county executive are written by the lawmakers who sign them into the books . Most government units have specialized boards that govern things like zoning regulations , building codes , tax abatements , and so on . If your local government is looking closely at vaping as a target for regulation , it might not be an issue for the consideration of a full legislative body like a council … until it ’ s too late .
Your first move is to learn your government ’ s structure . Get to know how laws are passed . If you ’ ve never been to a city council or board of commissioners meeting , go . You ’ ll be introduced to the personalities behind the decisions , as well as the process .
TIP : The structure of government units might seem daunting at first . Pick up the phone and ask someone on the inside if you ’ re not absolutely clear on how things work .
“ Going to present at a government meeting should be treated similarly to your first meeting with your future in-laws . Be polite , well-dressed and ready for a barrage of questions .”
Speak Truth To Power
Once you know the personalities and entities involved in any regulatory action affecting vaping , your next move is to find out how to tell our side of the story . Most government meetings allow for some form of public comment . Some might have an uncapped amount of time for the public to speak , while others will impose a time limit . Some might only allow for public comment to take place at the beginning of a meeting , others won ’ t allow the public to speak up until after the meeting ’ s agenda has been completed .
If vaping has been an item of discussion , it may be that instead of simply signing up for public comment , you might be better off asking to be added to a meeting ’ s agenda . Start by calling the office of the body you wish to speak to and ask about how to get some time blocked off to make your case . If you have identified a friendly voice on the governing body in question , talk to them ahead of time before making this request .
Once you ’ re on the agenda , be prepared . Do your homework , and don ’ t come empty-handed to the meeting . There are already mountains of data out there that show that vapor has nearly no environmental effect in enclosed spaces , unlike the secondhand-smoke effect of analogs . There ’ s also plenty of proof that the act of vaping means the inhalation of far fewer harmful chemicals than smoking . But it ’ s not enough just to say it ’ s out there : you have to prove it . Print off those studies and make enough copies for everyone you ’ ll be speaking with . Bring a few extra for journalists , as they ’ ll almost certainly be at any meeting where important decisions are being made .
When you present , speak slowly and deliberately . Don ’ t affect an attitude , as you ’ ll only further entrench any decision