cause . For NJOY , Carmona is more than a highly credible spokesperson — he is an unswayable titan in the campaign against tobacco . Carmona ’ s history has proven that he will not compromise on his ideals or his medical opinion for personal or professional gain . Someone like him coming out in favor of eCigarettes is fairly damning to the single-minded and reductionist approach the FDA has traditionally taken with regard to nicotine replacement therapies .
“ Perhaps Carmona can lend some legitimacy to the argument for nicotine replacement therapies and get people to recognize the true potential of the eCigarette industry .”
who , upon leaving his appointed position as Surgeon General , testified to the United States Congress revealing the tobacco industry ’ s undue influence over the administration he had just served . He claimed that members of the Bush Administration had pressured him to water down his findings on secondhand smoke and asked him to avoid testifying against big tobacco in an industry-wide racketeering trial . His 2006 report on the dangers of secondhand smoke and subsequent testimony to Congress was the public health field ’ s equivalent of dropping the mic and walking offstage .
It is beyond doubt that Carmona is fully devoted to the anti-smoking
This is a crucial step in changing the national perception of eCigarettes . The technology has a lot to offer , and it ’ s about time that someone with the level of medical authority and unimpeachable ethical background that Richard Carmona has came forward and joined the fight . When a former U . S . Surgeon General enters the ring , you can expect the discourse to turn rational fairly quickly . Hopefully , Carmona ’ s involvement may signal an end to the unsupportable and confounding objections that the FDA has to the use of eCigarettes and other nicotine replacement therapies .
It is safe to assume that the goals of NJOY , the FDA , Carmona and the entire eCigarette industry are all the same : to get people to quit smoking . While there has been considerable disagreement about how this should be undertaken , sometimes a scattershot approach is the best . Perhaps Carmona can lend some legitimacy to the argument for nicotine replacement therapies and get people to recognize the true potential of the eCigarette industry .