VAPA's Concrete Rose Vol 1 | Page 2

Journalism 101

The Passion

Welcome and thank you for picking up a copy of our first ever magazine! We are glad to have had amazing people collaborate and create such wonderful work! Let's not forget the wonderful events and performances we have had at this school! It was an amazing experience to have worked on this and to have learned so much from this project! I hope that you can enjoy and relive the moments and events included in this book! Happy Reading!

-Jammer (Chief-in-Editor)

I enjoy writing because it is a place where you can lose yourself in your imagination and create a new world. People may not notice, but authors add themselves into their own creation each word having passion, this is why my passion is writing.

- Maria Hernandez

“A book is simply the container of an idea—like a bottle; what is inside the book is what matters.”

—Angela Carter

"One must care about a world one will not see."

-Bertrand Russell