VAPA Concrete Rose Vol 2 VAPA's Concrete Rose Vol 2 | Page 6

In today's days women are still trying to fight for what is right. Many decades now, women are always seen as less and are treated as if they aren't upon society and work and what decisions are made. All around the world there are different ways on how women see themselves and what they are worth for. Recntly a women's march was created in L.A by a women and her friends. After it went national so many people showed to support and marched for the justice and hear the voices out to make a change in the world. Women's rights are very important in this world, because just like everyone should have equal rights despite ethnicity or gender we should not let government or law determine who women are . It's hectic to know the cruel things that has happened to the society now in days and what people are doing to make this happen but we should not let it happen and stick up for what is right. Too many questions are always why women are treated as leser beings, but barely anything has changed. Now is the time for all women to rise up and speak their voices out and get the rights that are supposed to be given. Like Angela Davis, a very inspiratonal person to so many people, who has done so much for her voice to be heard . . .

By: Gabriela Siordia
