VAPA Concrete Rose Vol 2 VAPA's Concrete Rose Vol 2 | Page 4

About Our Magazine:

Concrete Rose

Concrete Rose was first published in Fall/Winter of 2016. It was full of many colorful pages and articles revolving community, VAPA Legacy news, articles, stories, poems, and many more. Thanks through the assistance of Dr. Edward Trimis (VAPA Legacy's principal), and Ms. Alvarez (Journalism teacher and Concrete Rose's Director) we have been able to construct magazines.

What you are about to read are real writings from real people here at VAPA Legacy. Some of these articles focus on the current world today, and may have heacy themes. These are the opnions of our students and are being expressed trough words by the oppurtunity of this magazine. Our theme for this semester's issue was 'Formation'. Many political and controversial issues occur on a daily basis and even more so now that we hav a new president in office. What we have composed is an article full of many strong views, and we hope that we can spread the news of our students here at VAPA.

Our mission is to spread awarness and contribute to our community through pages. It took a whole semester to finish, but the results of our labor have paid off.

Thank you for picking up this copy, and VAPA's Concrete Rose Staff looks foward to churn out many more issues in the future.


Editor-in-Cheif Jasmine Islas