Vantage Vu Volume 21 | Page 17


SOWETO continues to be one of the liveliest townships in South Africa, with countless events

happening almost everyday, making sure that its citizens are never in need of something to do.

This past weekend I took one of my scarcely numbered trips to SOWETO to witness the TRACE

Fest presented by Trace Music Channel.

One of the things I seriously loved about this event was that it did not only provide us

with a line-up of well established artists and DJs, but went as far as to introduce us to

those we did not know before, not only at the main stage, but also through its

partnership with Ballantine’s and giving upcoming artists the platform they need

to show us what they can do.

The time I spent at TRACE Fest definitely provided me with a lot of

entertainment, and even got my antisocial self to make new friends,

which only happens once every purple moon… yes exactly, there is

no purple moon, so it never happens.

I also got an opportunity speak to one of the hot new

upcoming DJs who delivered good, Jus Low:

Me: Who is Jus Low?

JL: I’m Jus Low, a Pedi girl from Polokwane, I play

Hip Hop because I have a deep understanding for it,

and I full on love local hip hop, and I have been doing

this for almost a year now.

Me: How did you get so far in such a short space of time?

JL: I push myself very hard on my social platforms, and I’m always

on the look out for people promoting music so that I can also direct

them to my channel to listen to stuff.

Me: What is your take on the revolution of women in the music and

entertainment industry?

JL: What I like now about the industry is that it is more accepting to “female”

DJs/Artists. Looking back in the day, I could only name two or three DJs, but now we see

a lot of girls pushing… I don’t like saying “female” DJs, I like to put us as part of everyone;

this is a DJ game, its either you DJ or you don’t, there are no females to the side or males to

the side.

Me: In this dark time facing women in the country, what is your take on this situation in regards to

spike of GBV we are facing?