Finding the
Frozen Cup
There once was a secret agent that would set out on the highest of priority missions. She was the best trained, agile, quick, and smart agent in the world. No one knew her real name, so they called her by her code name, The Messiah. The missions she was sent out on were life or death missions that had no margin for error. As she came to work one day she was faced with the most difficult task yet, to find a frozen cup, the ones you put in the freezer and the inside freezes and stays cold, in a Wal-Mart taken over by enemy fighters. This may not seem like the most difficult task, but what is at risk is what is worth the fight.
She slowly pulled into the Wal-Mart parking and instantly new something was suspicious. There wasn’t a single soccer mom van in the parking lot and we all know that Wal-Mart is practically a second home to a soccer mom. The second suspicious thing happened when she walked into the door and was greeted by an elderly lady with a happy tone and was handed a smiley face sticker. This may not seem to suspicious, but it is, because it’s been years since any Wal-Mart handed out smiley face stickers. Now that she knows that something isn’t right with this Wal-Mart she enters into secret agent mode and begins the quest.