For the first issue I decided to do something a little different than I’ve seen most magazines do. I wanted to ask a few questions to/about the owners of the site, Enchanted Illusions. I asked both main owners a few questions about what it’s like to run their site.

A: First of all, I must say your site is very popular and very well put together. What’s it like running this sire? How much time do you spend making content?

S: For me, it depends. Sometimes I make 100 premades in one day and post them all at once or queue them so there’s posts all week. Other times, I’ll be busy and not be able to make anything for a week or two. I try to update as much as I can.

A: Even with popularity there are drawbacks, what would you say is a total drawback about running this site?

H: That’s a good question, I really love running the site and it’s hard to think of a specific drawback. I guess people appreciating our work, like taking content without telling us or taking off the credit of the work we’ve done.

A: How do you feel when you notice people stealing your content and crediting it to themselves?

S: I don’t really pay attention to when people steal my stuff. The site now has so many people the use and look at our content; it’d take up way too much time making sure everyone didn’t steal honestly.

The only time I ever care about when people steal is when they steal something I made to use personally for one of my roleplay accounts, the premade site, or the RPG I run. I’ve had people steal blog layouts and whole profiles before – when I see that stuff, I ask them politely to take it down.