Valve World Magazine September 2024 | Page 39

Fugitive emissions are a critical environmental concern , contributing significantly to climate change and air pollution . π www . valve-world . net Valve World September 2024
MANUFACTURING stems from their compact design and lower weight compared to ball or plug valves , often making them a cost-effective choice for many applications . Although the first butterfly valves were first used in 1920 , these ancestors of the shut-off valve are no longer comparable with today ’ s shut-off valves . The basis of the technically mature butterfly valve and its market launch ( in Germany ) can be traced back to the Keystone company , which set new standards far beyond the borders in 1950 as a pioneer of the butterfly valve and thus as an alternative to the gate valve . Compared to conventional centric butterfly valves , the latest double-eccentric butterfly valves , high-performance butterfly valves , can no longer be compared with designs from earlier years . This is because , regardless of the level of pressure applied , the shut-off is leakage-free with the same sealing quality . This shut-off by DIN EN 12266-1 is therefore in no way inferior to the sealing performance of a ball or plug valve . The valve industry has seen significant growth in recent years , with numerous suppliers entering the market . However , companies with decades of experience in butterfly valve design and application often possess valuable insights into long-term performance and reliability . This experience can be particularly beneficial when considering support for complete operating sequences and broader system integration .
Meeting modern industry demands
The industry is experiencing an increasing demand for comprehensive valve solutions that can be both standardized and customized to meet specific application requirements . This trend reflects the growing complexity of industrial processes and the need for valves that can seamlessly integrate with advanced automation and monitoring systems . Nowadays , reducing fugitive emissions and increasing plant productivity are fundamental when selecting valves , which often makes high-performance butterfly valves the best choice due to their very long service life and therefore , very low life cycle costs . Sustainability , preventive maintenance , plant availability and application consulting through integration of information technology with operational technology ( IT / OT convergence ) are increasingly critical in valve selection and operation . This article explores the evolution of high-performance butterfly valves , detailing advancements in automation , actuator selection and smart technologies that are enhancing efficiency and reliability
Chemical producers ’ priority focus on safety , new design standards and cost reductions .
in critical industrial applications . Additional considerations include automatic controllers , comprehensive automation accessories , and end-to-end solutions that span from field devices to cloud-based systems . These advanced features can significantly enhance valve performance and overall system efficiency . The increasing complexity of industrial processes and the need for enhanced efficiency are driving a growing demand for automated valve solutions . This trend reflects the industry ’ s push towards more precise control , improved monitoring capabilities , and integration with advanced process control systems .
Advancing butterfly valve technology
Ineffective valve closure can pose safety risks , lead to product loss and cause unplanned downtime . Selecting suitable high-performance ( automated ) butterfly valve , carefully evaluating materials , and adhering to the latest specifications and correct application advice can result in longer , reliable shut-off , reduced fugitive emissions and lower total cost of ownership . Modern fixed seat seals made of polymer materials with precision press fits can provide leak-tight shut-off on both sides ( as per DIN EN ISO12266-1 P12 , leak rate A ) against vacuum and full-rated differential pressure . Advanced seal designs can maintain effectiveness independently of medium pressure . This ensures reliable sealing at both high and low pressures and with media-containing particles . The standard disc spring-loaded gland design has a spherical radius for 360-degree contact with radius on packing gland . This
allows for even compression of packing even with uneven tightening of bolts . This liveloaded packing drastically reduces packing leakage and maintenance costs . At the same time , the seat , which can be approached from both sides , ensures tightness to the outside as well as tightness in the passage .
Industrial valves contribute to emissions
The German chemical process industry alone releases 25 tons of emissions into the atmosphere every year . Methane accounts for 6 % of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and is up to 30 times more harmful than carbon dioxide . The growing demand for standards and other certifications that have a positive impact is increasingly being fulfilled . There is a focus on reducing emissions , particularly in the case of industrial valves , which account for up to 60 % of possible emissions in typical process plants .

Fugitive emissions are a critical environmental concern , contributing significantly to climate change and air pollution . π www . valve-world . net Valve World September 2024