End User Interview
committees , he hopes to drive progress in areas like valve design optimisation , additive manufacturing , and prescriptive maintenance guidelines to maximize valve reliability and integrity . Bader emphasized the importance of updating standards to keep pace with technological advancements and evolving industry requirements . He sees potential for standards development in valve design optimisation , utilising advanced simulation tools and data analytics to provide prescriptive guidelines for materials selection , dimensional tolerances , and performance testing . Additive manufacturing is another area where he believes standards will play a critical role in driving adoption and ensuring quality , by providing guidance on materials , processes , and quality control . Prescriptive maintenance guidelines , including recommendations on data collection , analysis , condition monitoring techniques , and maintenance intervals based on valve criticality and service conditions , can help end users optimise their maintenance programs and minimise the risk of valve failures . Bader highlighted the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing in advancing valve engineering standards through participation in standards committees . By continuously updating and expanding standards , the industry can drive innovation , reduce costs , and minimise the risk of failures , which is essential to the long-term success of the valve industry .
Industry collaboration and knowledge sharing
Bader stressed the importance of cross-company collaboration and knowledge exchange to drive industrywide improvements in valve performance and reliability . He believes that the complex challenges facing the valve industry require a collaborative approach , with end users , manufacturers , and researchers working together to develop innovative solutions . Bader encouraged participation in industry events , such as the Valve World Expo & Conference , and emphasized the importance of building strong professional networks and engaging in ongoing dialogue with peers . By creating a culture of openness and knowledge sharing , industry professionals can learn from each other ’ s experiences , avoid repeating mistakes , and accelerate the adoption of best practices . Industry associations and research institutions also play a crucial role in facilitating collaboration and advancing valve technology by supporting research projects , publishing technical papers , and developing training programs . Ultimately , Bader believes that a collaborative approach is essential to address the challenges facing the valve industry , drive innovation , improve reliability , and deliver greater value to end-users .
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