Husky Technologies , a pioneering technology provider enabling the delivery of essential needs to the global community , exhibited at Fakuma in Friedrichshafen , |
Germany . The company showcased its latest range of technologies , solutions , and services that enable food , beverage , consumer goods , consumer electronics , |
automotive , medical device producers , and mold makers in Europe and worldwide to achieve sustainability , growth , differentiation , flexibility , stability , and profitability . |
Sean Hoy , Husky ’ s Vice President of Sales , Hot Runners and Controllers , emphasised the company ’ s focus on developing sustainable solutions , enabling the use of more bio and sensitive resins , designing for recyclability , and improving energy efficiency . Fakuma marked Husky ’ s global debut of some of its most advanced technologies to date . Highlights included Ultra SideGateTM Technology 2.0 , UltraHelixTM Valve Gating , LSR ( Liquid Silicone Rubber ) injection molding , UltraSync ® Technology , UltraMeltTM Technology , Altanium ® family of mold controllers and UltraShotTM Technology . |