END USER INTERVIEW as per project requirements which has already finalized during design phase . Operation logic will be verified during commissioning activity . If some real logic check is not possible due to commissioning nature , then it will be verified by simulation “ method . The issue came when , during the pandemic , vendors could not be physically on site in the Middle East due to travel restrictions . This , Naderi said , often slowed down the commissioning process .
Paying it forward
Every passionate professional wants to help preserve the future of their industry . Within engineering specifically , there is often worry about the lessening number of young professionals entering the workforce . That is why mentorship is of the utmost importance to Naderi . To Naderi , mentorship is all about enthusiasm and connection . “ You should be interested in what you are going to do for work ,” he said . “ If you are interested , the mentor will be very excited to tell you what is going on and what is happening in the industry . The knowledge will be transferred to you because if you are interested , you are going to read , you are going to learn , you are going to know what you are required to do , and then , you may have some good questions .” The most important part of mentorship is safety . “ The first of any technique taught in mentorship is understanding that safety is the highest priority ,” Naderi said . “ So to be a mentor , you have to understand people . It is not only about safety for the asset , but about safety for your life because working with equipment needs some certain level of caution .” He continued : “ Rotating and fixed equipment are the main component of every plant , and if the equipment does not work , it will affect the plant productivity . So having reliable equipment is the most important concern for plant operation .”
Predicting the future
Naderi believes that there is still ample space for innovation when it comes to fixed and rotating equipment , namely in improved efficiency . “ Improving efficiency will have direct effect on energy saving , and that is one of the main areas of concentration around the world ,” he said . “ When you increase the efficiency , it means you are using less power .” Demand for static and rotating equipment is expected to rise due to global expansion and requirements . Naderi remains optimistic about the future . To him , there is always room for growth , and he , like many other skilled professionals , is eager to see what the future will hold , months , years , and decades down the line .
What about systems and software ?
Though Naderi himself does not create software or digital technology for valves and other equipment , software – especially condition monitoring software – is something he says many clients require nowadays . “ We , as a commissioning team , are not providing the software ,” he explained . “ In the design stage , the required monitoring parameters and hardware will be defined based on process requirements and plant logic . Vibration and temperature are two main elements which are required to be monitored in most heavy-duty rotating equipment . Still , the demand for software and systems to do with equipment is something that Naderi is seeing as a requirement more and more often from his clients .
YDF Valve International , Inc HQ | www . yvivalve . com | 1790 Hughes Landing Blvd | Houston , TX 77380