Project overview
Start of construction work for LNG jetty in Stade
Work is getting underway at the energy port in Stade . After the federal government and the state of Lower Saxony each pledged EUR 100M to finance the energy port in Stade , the Lower Saxony State Agency for Water Management , Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation ( NLWKN ) has now approved an early start to the preparatory measures for construction . These include the construction of dike crossings and sheet pile walls as well as the construction of a loading platform . The jetty is being planned and implemented by the port company Niedersachsen Ports ( NPorts ). Originally planned for 2026 , the early construction of the energy port creates the prerequisite for one of the five FSRUs ( Floating Storage and Regasification Units ) chartered by the German federal government to dock in Stade and feed gas into the German grid as early as the end of 2023 . From 2026 , the port will then serve as a landing point for the Hanseatic Energy Hub . The onshore terminal is emission-free in operation and designed to be future-flexible . Following the conclusion of the Binding Open Season with binding booking requests , individual marketing of the capacities is currently underway for the hub . Recently , the EU Commission also confirmed the exemption from regulation for the terminal . “ The construction of the energy port creates an important infrastructure for today and tomorrow . With the FSRU , we can make an important contribution to security of supply in Stade in the short term . With the onshore terminal , we are building a futureflexible bridge for the transition from gas to hydrogen-based energy sources ,” explains Johann Killinger , Managing Director and coshareholder of the Hanseatic Energy Hub .
MidOcean Energy acquires Tokyo Gas ’ interests
MidOcean Energy announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement with Tokyo Gas Co ., Ltd to acquire their interests in a portfolio of four Australian integrated LNG projects . Under the terms of the agreement , MidOcean will acquire Tokyo Gas ’ interests in Gorgon LNG , Ichthys LNG , Pluto LNG and Queensland
Curtis LNG for total cash consideration of USD 2.15 billion . These integrated projects span Australia ’ s western and eastern seaboard and are major suppliers of LNG to Asia , with a diverse set of long-dated take or pay contracts with investment grade counterparties , and to Australia ’ s domestic gas markets . The portfolio is expected to generate approximately 1 million tonnes per annum of LNG net to MidOcean ; production that is underpinned by long-life reserves and a globally competitive cost structure . The portfolio benefits from experienced operators , including Chevron , INPEX , Woodside and Shell , and spans the LNG value chain from upstream operations to midstream , liquefaction and sales . Blair Thomas , EIG ’ s Chairman and CEO , said , “ The launch of MidOcean reflects our deep belief in LNG as a critical enabler of the energy transition and the growing importance of LNG as a geopolitically strategic energy resource . We believe this transaction provides MidOcean with a foundational portfolio of cost-advantaged integrated LNG assets in a low-risk jurisdiction , ideally positioned to supply key customers in Japan , Asia and across the globe for decades to come .” The transaction is expected to close in first half of 2023 , subject to customary closing conditions , including Australian regulatory approvals .
74 Valve World November 2022 www . valve-world . net