Valve World Magazine November 2022 | Page 65

29 November - 1 December 2022 | Messe Düsseldorf , Germany

Welcome reception

General Information

On Monday afternoon ( November 28 th ) before the Valve World Conference and Expo truly begins , it has become a tradition for the Valve World organizers , KCI Publishing / Messe Düsseldorf , to hold a welcome reception for their valued partners . It will certainly provide you with a great start to the three-day event and it is the place where you can meet up with old friends and possible new business partners . The atmosphere is relaxed and convivial so it is an ideal location to socialize with exhibitors , speakers from the upcoming conference , and the international steering committee .
Contact the organizers
For more information about the conference , contact : Mrs Kiyo Ichikawa Tel : + 31 651 576 326 k . ichikawa @ kci-world . com
For information about exhibiting and the event in general , contact : Mrs . Nicole Nagel Tel .: + 49 2821 711 45 55 n . nagel @ kci-world . com
https :// valve-world-conference . com /
For more information regarding times and location visit www . valve-world-conference . com and follow the links to The Social Program .
Coffee breaks and lunches
The coffee breaks and lunches allow delegates to go onto the expo floor . They also serve as an interval for informal discussions with presenters , session chairs , and moderators . Additionally , they provide the chance for end-users to meet up with manufacturers , suppliers , traders and other visitors to the event creating an exciting mix of business opportunities .
Valve World dinner & party The Valve World Dinner is undoubtedly the highlight of the Valve World Conference & Expo . Held on the evening of Wednesday , December 30 th , it is a guarantee for fun and sheer enjoyment . It also provides a perfect setting to network and generally relax after a busy day at the event . For more information regarding times , location prices and registration visit www . valve-world-conference . com and follow the links to The Social Program .
Travelling to Valve World 2022 Düsseldorf is an ideal location to travel to in Europe , being connected to some 180 + locations around the globe through more than 80 airlines . Additionally , Dusseldorf central railway station is located nearby . For extensive information on all travel possibilities to Düsseldorf , visit : http :// www . valveworldexpo . com . If you should need further information or assistance in connection with any aspect of your travel arrangements or hotel booking please do not hesitate to contact Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus directly at : Tel .: + 49 ( 0 ) 211 17 202 867 E-mail : info @ duesseldorf-tourismus . de
For more information regarding times and locations visit www . valve-world-conference . com and follow the links to The Social Program . www . valve-world-conference . com 65