Valve World Magazine November 2022 | Page 59


Companies in the valve industry are using digital transformation to increase their competitiveness . Photo : Pixabay

Digitalisation as a game changer

Digitalisation enables companies to act successfully , economically and ecologically .
It optimises quality , safety , conservation of resources , energy savings and the reduction of CO2 emissions .
Companies in the valve industry are using digital transformation to increase their competitiveness . It ’ s turning out to be a real gamechanger .
Text by Messe Düsseldorf

The trend is growing year by year . According to the Worldwide Digital Transformation Spending Guide of the International Data Corporation ( IDC ), spending on digital transformation will therefore have an average annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 16.4 percent in the forecast period from 2021 to 2025 . The reason for this is that companies are increasingly pursuing an end-to-end digital strategy for people , processes , technology , data and governance . Global spending on digital transformation for business practices , products and organisations is projected to reach USD 2.8 trillion by 2025 , more than twice as much as in 2020 .

There has been a significant increase in decentralised automation of process valves , precisely in step with digital communication ”
Connected production
The German plant and mechanical engineering industry has made high investments in digital transformation as well , so it is already well positioned in production-related digitalisation . “ For example , implementing interconnectivity within production as well as the integration of sensor technology to optimise production ,” explains Prof . Claus Oetter , Managing Director of the Software and Digitalisation Association of the Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering ( VDMA ). Valve manufacturers have long since embarked on the path of digitalisation . “ In the past years , there has been a significant
increase in decentralised automation of process valves , precisely in step with digital communication ”, confirms Sebastian Kundel , Product Manager Automation Process Valves at Bürkert . “ Particularly important is the digitalisation of
Join the digitalisation session at Valve World Conference
Join the technical session focusing on digitalisation on the first day of the

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Valve World conference , which takes place from 29 November to 1 December in Dusseldorf , Germany . Moderated by Claire Dwyer from Fluor , the session o 29 November at 13:30 features four presentations on this hot topic :
• Delivering on valve diagnostics , by Richard Grace , Emerson
• High-quality data to strengthen operational performance , by Peter Shwets , TEAM
• Digital solutions : leveraging data from smart devices , by Ramakrishna Koti , Valmet
• V-Flange – An enhanced device for manual valves smart monitoring , by Gianluca Losi , Velan .
For information about Valve World Conference & Exhibition 2022 , visit www . valve-world-conference . coms


www . valve-world . net Valve World November 2022