Valve World Magazine November 2022 | Page 41

FUGITIVE EMMISIONS improve the total cost of ownership of expensive pressure relief valves . Because pressure relief valves are then isolated from normal process flow , they are also protected from corrosive or viscous media , often resulting in less cleaning , maintenance , downtime and less expensive valve trim . Finally , upstream rupture discs will extend the service life of pressure relief valves , reducing the loss of production time needed for removal and re-assembling of the device . This is possible because the added rupture disc allows for ‘ in-situ ’ testing of the pressure relief valve ( without the need to uninstall it ) by demonstrating its unchanged performance . A limited volume is created between the rupture disc and valve inlet , where isolated pressure may be introduced to measure and register as evidence of acceptable valve performance .
ASME UG-132 and EN ISO4126-3 differ very slightly , however , the basic guidance is the same and keeping the RD specified burst pressure and PRV set pressure at the same nominal value ignoring rupture tolerances , meets the intent of each of the standards and is relatively easy to implement . This can be achieved by specifying an RD with a Zero (+/ -0 %) manufacturing range ( ASME ), or +/ - Performance Tolerance ( EN ISO ).
Non-invasive , cost-effective
An industrial process ’ s total emissions extend beyond leaks from pressure relief valves . However , installing rupture discs upstream from pressure relief valves is a relatively non-invasive and cost-effective process that many industrial processes have implemented to play a key role in their overall emission control strategy .
About the author Michael Hunt has worked in pressure relief for almost 30 years across Europe , South Africa and the Far East . He has extensive experience working in both direct sales and via a network of distributors for manufacturers of instrumentation and pressure relief devices servicing the petrochemical , oil & gas , chemical , pharmaceutical , OEM and power generation markets .
Considerations for selecting and installing rupture discs
Several measures must first be considered to safely realise the benefits of installing rupture discs upstream of pressure relief valves . The rupture disc should not impede or interfere with the operation of the pressure relief valve . To achieve this , the rupture disc must be ‘ non-fragmenting ,’ so upon activation , loose parts do not enter the valve and obstruct the orifice or restrict the valve from closing . Also , a sufficient distance between the rupture disc and the valve seat is required to prevent obstruction . However , the rupture disc must still be installed close enough to the valve ( a maximum of five pipe diameters away ) to avoid the creation of reflective pressure waves during the opening of the disc , which could result in the re-closing of the disc or even fragmentation . When installing rupture disc devices upstream of relief valves , the size of the rupture disc should be at least the same nominal size as the inlet of the relief valve . Additionally , the rated relief capacity of the valve , as stated by the manufacturer , is to be reduced by 10 percent , or reduced to the certified combination capacity value ( where the specific combination has been capacity tested and certified by a recognised third party ). Finally , the set pressure of the rupture disc device is typically set at the same pressure as the PSV , which itself is set in accordance with the applicable legislative standards and guidelines .
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Company Website www . valve-world . net Valve World November 2022