Valve World Magazine June 2024 | Page 3

editor ’ s page

Fighting emissions

Volume 29 , Issue 5 , June 2024
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This month , Valve World has a special focus on fugitive emissions , one of the most important subjects in the valve industry . Fugitive emissions are essentially leaks into the open air , unplanned releases of gases or vapours from pressurized containment . According to the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ), valves and connectors account for over 90 % of emissions from leaking equipment . In an industrial setting , these are often hazardous emissions that endanger human health and the environment while also incurring a financial cost in lost products . Emissions containing volatile organic compounds ( VOC ) – man-made chemicals used , for example , in producing paints , pharmaceuticals , and refrigerants – are among the most polluting . When exposed to sunlight , VOCs react with nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide to form tropospheric ozone , often referred to as ground-level smog . These compounds degrade air quality , stimulate diseases in plants , inhibit seed production , hinder fertilization , and pose serious risks to human and ecosystem health .
The valve industry has worked hard to develop equipment , seals and systems to help users achieve the elusive ‘ zero emission ’ goal . The Valve World team has sourced several technical features on this important topic , covering a range of different angles . In their article , Score has provided three case studies looking at how innovative technology can significantly reduce CO2 and methane gas emissions . William Valves considers the implications of the EPA ’ s new rule to revise emissions regulations in the oil and gas sector to reduce methane and VOC emissions .
An integral component to prevent leaks is the seal , and Chesterton ’ s feature looks at PFAS and why they are critical to sealing devices . While PFAS have received a lot of negative publicity in recent years , not all are harmful , and fluoropolymers remain an important compound for sealing applications . Finally , be sure to read the feature from Magdrive and GAPV , looking at how magnetic actuation is being used to drive sustainability in the oil and gas industry by eliminating fugitive emissions .
We are delighted to welcome our friend AUMA back to the cover again . Editor Melonie Dodaro interviewed CEO Dr Jörg Hoffmann and CSO Ferdinand Dirnhofer to learn about the latest innovations from the actuator specialist . The company is celebrating its sixtieth anniversary this year , and as a family-owned company , it is justifiably proud of its many achievements and steady growth over the past six decades . You can read all about this from page 8 .
Finally , I ’ d like to draw your attention to our interview with Marc Simoëns from Dow Chemicals . Marc has been a valuable member of the Valve World Steering Committee for many years , and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to tap into his many years of experience working in the chemical / petrochemical industries . You can read about his role starting on page 16 .
I wish you hours of reading pleasure with the June issue of Valve World !
Kind regards ,
Joanne McIntyre Editorial Manager j . mcintyre @ kci-world . com
www . valve-world . net Valve World June 2024 3