Valve World Magazine June 2024 | Page 22


Victrex PEEK polymers meet Shell ’ s cryogenic valve specifications

Victrex ’ s PEEK polymers meet Shell ’ s stringent specifications for cryogenic ball valve applications , offering improved properties and expanding opportunities for valve manufacturers .
Text and image by Victrex
Photo by Victrex

Victrex , a high-performance PEEK and PAEK polymer solutions provider , announces that its VICTREX CT polymers have met Shell ’ s stringent specifications for ball valves in cryogenic services . Shell ’ s latest Material and Equipment Standards and Code ( MESC ) SPE 77 / 302 ( Valves-General Requirements ) and SPE 77 / 200 ( Valves in Low Temperature and Cryogenic Services ) now include ‘ CRYO-PEEK ’ as a designated material for cryogenic ball valve applications . VICTREX CT polymers have successfully met these specifications , positioning them as a viable alternative to PCTFE for cryogenic ball valve applications . The updated MESC SPE 77 / 302 and SPE 77 / 200 recognize PEEK as a soft seat / insert material for ball valves used in cryogenic conditions . This approval expands opportunities for valve manufacturers , offering high-performance PEEK polymers as a reliable solution in cryogenic environments .

Key properties of VICTREX CT polymers
VICTREX CT polymers offer several advantages , including an extended temperature range from -269 ° C to higher than + 260 ° C , improved mechanical and thermal properties compared to fluoropolymers such as PCTFE , and a reliable supply from Victrex , which maintains a regional warehouse network . Shell ’ s Material and Equipment Standards and Code ( MESC ) serves as a benchmark for the design , construction , operation , and maintenance of processing units and facilities within the oil and gas industry . Widely accepted by buyers , these standards represent a key test protocol and a prerequisite for industry acceptance . Jakob Sigurdsson , Victrex CEO , stated , “ Victrex is committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet and exceed industry standards , empowering manufacturers to achieve excellence in their products and applications . The VICTREX CT products are the latest example of Victrex developing and commercializing new PEEK products that deliver against our customers ’ needs , enabling them to further innovate .”
About Victrex Victrex is an innovative leader in highperformance PEEK and PAEK polymer solutions focusing on the automotive , aerospace , energy , industrial , electronics , and medical sectors . With over 40 years ’ experience , they develop solutions with PEEK and PAEK-based polymers and selected semi-finished and finished parts .
22 Valve World June 2024 www . valve-world . net