Valve World Magazine June 2024 | Page 19

An emissions survey was conducted at an onshore LNG facility to identify through-valve leakages contributing to the site ’ s total emissions volume . The systematic approach and advanced tools , including the MIDAS ® Meter , proved instrumental in identifying a 10 ” 600 # normally closed valve as the main source of significant leakage , despite the complexity of the process system and the substantial number of potential leak sources . The initial survey results were validated through traditional Pressure Build-Up ( PBU ) testing procedures and a Differential Absorption LIDAR ( DIAL ) survey , confirming the severity of the through-valve leakage . Based on these conclusive results , the client decided to isolate the faulty valve completely , leading to a remarkable impact . From an environmental perspective , 15 kt of CO2 equivalent emissions ( per annum ) were eliminated , resulting in a production saving of USD 800 thousand . This success story demonstrates the significant opportunities associated with proactive leak detection surveys , supported by targeted maintenance steps , to eliminate environmental harm and enhance operational efficiency . The expertise in finding and mitigating the valve leak not only reduced the process ’ environmental impacts but also delivered substantial cost savings for the client . By utilizing advanced leak detection and quantification technologies within a systematic approach , the source of emissions was quickly , π www . valve-world . net Valve World June 2024
Score showcases their proactive approach to leak detection and mitigation , demonstrating how their innovative solutions and collaborative partnerships with customers lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and substantial financial benefits .

In the pursuit of excellence in engineering and valve management services , diverse challenges and opportunities have been encountered in various markets . This learning journey has provided valuable insights into understanding the needs of customers and designing services that help improve their operations and performance across multiple measures , including safety , environmental impact , quality , efficiency , reliability , sustainability , and profitability . A collaborative approach is essential when addressing and improving operational challenges . It takes all parties working together with a shared vision and goal to deliver an optimized and sustainable future . To illustrate the positive impacts of Emissions Elimination services , where the focus is on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and their associated impacts , three compelling case studies are described below . These case studies provide evidence and examples of the commitment and measurable contributions from both an environmental and financial sustainability perspective . The case studies demonstrate the opportunities associated with proactive leak detection surveys , backed-up by targeted maintenance steps , to eliminate environmental harm and enhance operational efficiency . By using advanced leak detection and quantification technologies within a systematic approach , sources of emissions can be quickly and non-invasively identified and eliminated .


A proactive approach to leak detection and mitigation

Text and images by Score
About Score Score is the world ’ s futurefocused provider of advanced engineering technology services in the fields of valve and emissions management , gas turbines , surface technologies , aerospace , and beyond , with the power and agility to ensure daily operational excellence and long-term success . For more information , email eep @ score-group . com .
LDAR : Optical Gas Imaging Survey
Case Study 1 : Eliminating 15kt CO2 e , saving USD 800K annually

An emissions survey was conducted at an onshore LNG facility to identify through-valve leakages contributing to the site ’ s total emissions volume . The systematic approach and advanced tools , including the MIDAS ® Meter , proved instrumental in identifying a 10 ” 600 # normally closed valve as the main source of significant leakage , despite the complexity of the process system and the substantial number of potential leak sources . The initial survey results were validated through traditional Pressure Build-Up ( PBU ) testing procedures and a Differential Absorption LIDAR ( DIAL ) survey , confirming the severity of the through-valve leakage . Based on these conclusive results , the client decided to isolate the faulty valve completely , leading to a remarkable impact . From an environmental perspective , 15 kt of CO2 equivalent emissions ( per annum ) were eliminated , resulting in a production saving of USD 800 thousand . This success story demonstrates the significant opportunities associated with proactive leak detection surveys , supported by targeted maintenance steps , to eliminate environmental harm and enhance operational efficiency . The expertise in finding and mitigating the valve leak not only reduced the process ’ environmental impacts but also delivered substantial cost savings for the client . By utilizing advanced leak detection and quantification technologies within a systematic approach , the source of emissions was quickly , π www . valve-world . net Valve World June 2024