Meeting Point
Valve World unites the global valve industry
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Held in Dusseldorf , Germany , the Valve World 2024 Expo & Conference once again proved to be a magnet for the global flow control community . Key staff from end user companies , manufacturers and distributors travelled from all continents to discover , innovate and shape the future .
By KCI Editorial
The Valve World Expo & Conference 2024 was organized by :
Conference Chairman Bruno Martin giving his opening address ( Photo : Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann )
The strapline ‘ Where Valve Innovators Meet ’ aptly summed up the Valve World 2024 event , which featured 572 exhibitors and thousands of international visitors at the Expo alongside 70-plus speakers and some 400 delegates at the Conference . The three-day event held from 3-5 December really was the place to be to connect with peers , examine the latest technological breakthroughs and help to build the next generation of flow control equipment .
Conference highlights
The importance of emerging technology was immediately reflected at the very start of the 2024 Conference . For example , Conference Chairman Bruno Martin ( Technip Energies ) stated that : “ At Valve World 2024 , we ’ re excited to give attendees a firsthand look at the most advanced testing equipment in action . Seeing these cuttingedge tools and techniques will spark ideas and conversations that drive our industry forward .” Mr Martin was followed by three keynote speakers who addressed additional topics that resonate throughout the sector . Valve preservation challenges was delivered by Roberto Muscarà , Saudi Aramco ; The move toward “ green ” valves for the oil & gas industries , with a certified & low carbon footprint , came courtesy of Alfred Kruijer , Shell ; and finally Jonathan Geleijns , SLB , spoke up on API specification for valves for hydrogen gas service .
As per previous outings , the conference then broke up into parallel streams comprising technical sessions , workshops and panel discussions . This format enabled delegates to take a deep dive into their preferred topics from highly-relevant subject matter including innovations , materials , future , design / new technology , emissions , hydrogen , digitalisation , maintenance , additive manufacturing , sealing , coating , and testing . The organisers had built in plenty of time for questions as critical yet positive interaction between attendees and speakers is a regular and popular element of the Valve World shows . The conference also featured the highly anticipated young engineer program . Presented in two sessions by Score ’ s David Anderson and Shell ’ s Muktiadi Rahardjo , participants were first taken on a guided tour of selected exhibition stands . Later , they were given the opportunity to debate current challenges and future trends in the valve industry . The program was designed to encourage critical thinking , problem-solving and the exchange of ideas . During the second day of the conference , delegates had an opportunity to witness live demonstrations . With Tony Smart acting as moderator , experts demonstrated topics such as a practical guide to helium and forming gas for fugitive emissions , optimising valve health , smart valve monitoring and finally a complete digital foundry .
32 Valve World February 2025 www . valve-world . net