Valve World Magazine February 2024 | Page 40

Power generAtion
Topside offshore converter station and wind turbines .

The value of intelligent actuation for offshore wind power

As demand for electricity increases , there is a greater need to scale up renewable energy generation . The International Energy Agency
( IEA ) estimates that renewable energy will contribute 70 % of the global energy mix by 2050 under a net zero scenario . 1
All text and images courtesy of Rotork
About the author Hari Babu joined Rotork at the beginning of 2022 as Head of Strategy for the Water and Power division . He has a bachelor ’ s degree in mechanical engineering and an MBA from the University of Buffalo , USA . In his current role , Hari works with the commercial leadership team to develop a strategic plan to achieve organic and inorganic growth for the division .

As per IEA World Energy Report 2022 , this increased demand for electricity will require global power generation to scale almost by a factor of three . Electrification of energy systems is a key strategy for reaching net zero . It has the potential to reduce emissions and decarbonise the energy supply chain significantly . Renewable energy is the key to reaching the goal of net zero emissions , and there is a need to look for greener power sources like solar and wind to achieve this . At the end of 2022 , the total installed capacity of wind-generated power was approximately 906 gigawatts ( GW ), representing around 11 % of the world ’ s total power generation capacity . 2 The ( IEA ) forecast that wind power capacity will grow to 7,795 GW by 2050 , increasing its share of the global energy mix to 23 %. Wind power can be generated onshore or offshore . Offshore wind power is generated by wind turbines installed closer to shore or further out into deep sea . In 2022 , the total capacity of offshore wind power was about 69 GW , which was approximately 8 % of the total wind energy share . The International Renewable Energy Agency ( IRENA ) forecasts that offshore wind capacity will grow to 500 GW by 2030 (~ 16 % of total wind energy share ) and further to 2,500 GW by 2050 (~ 32 % of total wind energy share ). 3 Europe currently has around 30 GW of installed offshore wind capacity , which is predicted to grow to about 200 GW by 2030 . 4 Most of this growth is expected to come from the North Sea , which is a shared resource that can help Europe achieve its energy reliability and net zero goals .

Offshore High Voltage Direct Current ( HVDC ) platform challenges
Offshore wind farms in the North Sea are being built further away from the shore ( 100-150 km ). Transporting the electricity generated by the wind turbines over long distances is a challenge .
When a wind farm is within 80 km of the shoreline , electricity can be transmitted to the shore in alternating current ( AC ) format . However , for wind farms located more than 80 km from the shore , additional equipment is needed to prevent significant power losses during transmission . Additional equipment includes an offshore HVDC converter station , a high-voltage cable system , and an onshore high-voltage alternating current ( HVAC ) converter station . The offshore HVDC converter station converts the AC electricity generated by the wind turbines to DC electricity . DC electricity has lower transmission losses than AC electricity , so it is more efficient to transmit over long distances . Once the electricity reaches the onshore HVDC converter station , it is converted back to AC electricity and fed into the grid . The size of a converter station depends on how many wind turbines are connected to it for power conversion . Converter stations can range in size from 520 MW to 2 GW . During power conversion , converter stations produce heat as a byproduct . To keep the system running continuously , the heat-emitting equipment , called thyristors / rectifiers , must be cooled constantly . The most effective way to cool large HVDC converter stations is to use deionised water in a closed system . The deionised water is then cooled by seawater pumped through a heat exchanger , which absorbs heat from the deionised water . In some systems , chemicals such as glycol are mixed with the water to prevent freezing .
The value of Rotork intelligent actuation
The flow control of cooling fluids ( seawater , deionised water , and glycol ) is critical for the normal operation of the platforms . Any technical faults with controlling parameters such as ambient temperature , humidity , and pressure within these platforms could cause the entire wind farm to fail .
40 Valve World February 2024 www . valve-world . net