Valve World Magazine February 2024 | Page 21

Emission control

Pioneering collaboration to transform emissions management

Score Group , a global valve specialist , has announced a pioneering collaboration with the leading software technology company asset55 . The collaboration focuses on the enhancement of Score ’ s Emissions
Elimination Program™ ( EEP ) through integration with asset55 ’ s ‘ Operate ’ digital platform .
Text and images by Score Group
Trevor Fleming , an Operations Manager for Score and Les Bartlett , Global Development Lead at asset55 .

Drawing on four decades of experience , Score ’ s EEP™ is a comprehensive solution designed to reduce operators ’ environmental footprint and help them achieve their sustainability goals through the detection and mitigation of emissions . It aims to ensure regulatory compliance , mitigate failures , and optimise production output .

Seamless communication
Developed by a team of skilled engineers and software developers , asset55 ’ s proven ‘ Operate ’ software offers intuitive dashboards that help users to monitor the environmental performance of their facility and track maintenance activities throughout the life cycle of an asset . It interacts seamlessly with clients ’ Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) systems , enabling real-time collaboration among project stakeholders , both onshore and offshore .
Working together
Both Score and asset55 are committed to delivering emissions reduction and sustainability solutions that are digitally proficient and adaptable to customers ’ challenges . The companies have already made significant advancements in the emissions elimination field , with Score winning both the ‘ Sustainability ’ and ‘ Service & Solutions ’ titles , and asset55 receiving the ‘ Optimisation ’ honour at the recent Energy Industries Council ( EIC ) National Awards in London .
Everything in one place
Speaking of the collaboration , Scott Wallis , Emissions Manager ( Europe & Africa ) for Score , said : “ One of the key industry challenges for emissions reduction is data management , and this collaboration allows our customers to manage everything digitally , in one place . They can monitor the environmental performance of their facility , track maintenance activities and execute work .” “ The software offers customisable dashboards to provide valuable insights and data analytics to all stakeholders , as well as allowing the customer to report on emission sources in a framework that suits the regulator in the required region .”
Emissions Elimination Program™
Score Group ’ s Emissions Elimination Program™ ( EEP ) provides regulatory compliance and reporting on emissions . All work is managed through the ‘ Operate ’ software platform , enabling you to monitor the environmental performance of your asset and track failures through to repair . Published research confirms that around 75 % of all fugitive emissions are valve related and , in our experience , around 15 % of isolating valves are leaking to flares or vents . Score Group meets regulatory compliance and reporting requirements , whilst producing evidence of your efforts to meet or exceed your ESG goals . With in-depth expertise in valve management , Score distinguishes itself from competitors by not only conducting surveys and reporting but also by identifying and promptly performing the required repairs in a timely manner . The EEP™ has 4 steps : surveying with the most suitable technologies and tools , analysing the survey results , measurably eliminating your emissions , and lastly seeking to engineer out recurring failures . For further information on Score ’ s Emissions Elimination Program™ , email them at eep @ score-group . com . www . valve-world . net Valve World February 2024