Valve World Magazine February 2023 | Page 39

withstand pressures between 350 and 700 bar . A knowledgeable supplier should be able to provide pressure ratings for any needle valves and ensure they are compatible with other hydrogen-qualified components .
Hydrogen check valves
Finally , to prevent excess backflow , check valves are often used in essential safety functions at hydrogen refuelling stations ( Figure 3 ). Unlike other general service applications , hydrogen check valves have even more challenging circumstances to endure . For example , check valves often contain springs , which are made with strain-hardened materials that can leave them more vulnerable to hydrogen embrittlement and loss of ductility than those made with high-quality 316 stainless steel . When used in fluid systems within refuelling equipment , check valves are often subjected to large , rapid changes in pressure and temperature , which puts significant stress on their elastomer seals . That is why check valves are more suitable for hydrogen compressors than other hydrogen-fuelling system infrastructure parts . As always , material integrity is critical as well as compatibility with other components of the system . Suppliers with hydrogen expertise should be able to offer advice on such matters .
Why choosing the right valves matters
As the hydrogen mobility market continues to grow , the safety , reliability , and durability of its vehicles and refuelling infrastructure are paramount . Without appropriate standards , the long-term viability of the market could be in doubt . Ensuring the proper components are selected and specified for all hydrogen systems will enable hydrogen to reach its full potential as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels . Find a fluid systems supplier who can offer a wide range of ball , needle , and
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check valves specifically designed for hydrogen systems , and consider whether it can offer additional components that can make overall system operation safer and more reliable for both operators and end users . Suppliers should have hydrogen experts available to guide manufacturers on the journey to ensure their components will stand up to the rigors of operating in a hydrogen fuel system environment .
An original version of this article appeared on the Swagelok Reference Point blog : www . swagelok . com / en / blog / hydrogen-valves-what-to-look-for #.
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Figure 3 . In hydrogen refuelling systems , compressors use check valves to provide a critical safety function by reducing excess backflow that could put consumers at unnecessary risk . Image © 2023 Swagelok
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Company Website www . valve-world . net Valve World February 2023