Valve World Magazine August 2022 - Sample | Page 81

( Continued ) FBV Inc . Houston , TX 77043
( Continued ) KITZ Corporation Japan
Rotork Brassmill Lane Bath BA1 3JQ United Kingdom tel : + 44 1225 733200 mail @ rotork . com www . rotork . com
Rotork Brassmill Lane Bath BA1 3JQ United Kingdom tel : + 44 1225 733200 mail @ rotork . com www . rotork . com
Ball Valves
Australian Pipeline Valve admin @ australianpipeline valve . com . au www . australianpipeline valve . com . au www . globalsupplyline . com . au API6D & API608 Firesafe & F . E . Certified , Short lead time manufacturer . Also keep $ 60 million stock 150 to 2500LB APV , JC , Sferova & Starline . Also stock Bettis , Actreg , Biffi , AirTorque & Torqturn pneumatic actuators . View stock list at our website
Cangzhou Heli Machinery Co ., Ltd . Jiuhe East Road 11 , Cangzhou Economical Development Zone Hebei 061000 China tel : + 86-317-3092360 fax :+ 86-317-3092360 helisales @ czheliltd . com www . czheliltd . com
USA tel : + 1-832-203-5459 fax :+ 1-832-203-5461 sales @ fbvalve . com www . fbvalve . com Manufacturer of ball , gate , globe , & check valves in carbon and stainless materials . Inventory available .
Flow-Tek - USA A Subsidiary of Bray International , Inc . 8323 N . Eldrindge Pkwy , # 100 , Houston , TX 77041 USA tel : + 1-832-912-2300 fax :+ 1-832-912-2301
INDRA S . r . l via Novara 10 / B-C I-20013 Magenta ( MI ) Italy tel : + 39-029729-8663 fax :+ 39-029729-1855 indra @ indra . it www . indra . it Made in Italy Taylor made production ISO 9001 , 14001 & 45001 certified 4-K sqm headquarters 3-K sqm production area
Kingdom Flow Control Co ., Ltd . 14F-4 , 120 , Jhongjheng 1st Road , Kaohsiung 80284 , Taiwan , ROC tel : + 886-7-771-3121 fax :+ 886-7-723-5165 sales @ kifc . com www . kifc . com Professional valve manufacturer with fully vertical integrated production system
tel : + 81-43-299-1732 fax :+ 81-43-299-0121 kitzheadquarters @ kitz . co . jp www . kitz . co . jp
Kong Jih Valve Industrial Co . Ltd . No . 13 Gong 6 th Rd . Dajia Youth , Industrial Park Dajia Township , Taichung County 437 Taiwan , ROC tel : + 886-4-26815268 Ext . 216 fax :+ 886-4-26815788 marketing @ ksvalve . com www . ksvalve . com
https :// www . grm . com
Lishui Ouyi Valve Co ., Ltd No . 799-1 Bihu Industrial Zone , Lishui City , Zhejiang China tel : + 86-577-67319116 fax :+ 86-577-67319119 sales @ ouyivalve . com www . ouyivalve . com 20 Years Experience Manufacturer of ball , body , closure and forged ball valve parts Metal to Metal ball and seat lapping LNG Ball valve parts
MRC Global Global Headquarters tel : + 1-877-294-7574 info @ mrcglobal . com mrcglobal . com
France tel : + 33 ( 0 ) 3 23 81 43 00 info @ pvi-valves . com www . pvi-valves . com French Valve Manufacturer High Quality Valves Full Service offer Company founded in 1929 Large size Valves
Suzhou Viza Valve Co Ltd 25 th Floor , Gold River Center 88 Shishan Road Suzhou , Jiangsu , 215011 China tel : + 86-512-6818-7578 ,
+ 86-512-6808-1929 fax :+ 86-512-6808-1920 sales @ vizavalve . com www . vizavalve . com
Syveco 107 rue du Ruisseau F-38070 Saint-Quentin- Fallavier France tel : + 33-474-94-86-50 fax : + 33-474-94-86-59 info @ syveco . com www . syveco . com Syveco is a French master stockist in valves and fittings for industry , HVAC & water works , offering a wide range of products to the European and African markets .
Terofox Valves Integrated Corp . No . 789 Zhongming S Rd , South Dist ., Taichung City 402 , Taiwan , ROC
www . pvi-valves . com
( Continued ) Terofox Valves Integrated Corp . Ball Valves , Butterfly valves , WRAS API641 API6FA ISO15848-1
Valmet Vanha Porvoontie 229 , PO Box 304 , FIN-01301 Vantaa , Finland tel : + 358-20-483-150 www . valmet . com / flowcontrol
Velan Inc 7007 Côte de Liesse Montreal , Que H4T 1G2 Canada tel : + 1-514-748-7743 fax :+ 1-514-748-8635 sales @ velan . com www . velan . com
Vinco Valves SA Rua do Progresso , Lote 15-18 P-4760-841 Vilarinho das Cambas Portugal tel : + 351-252-303-210 fax :+ 351-252-303-219 vinco @ vincovalves . com www . vincovalves . com Ball Valve manufacturer for oil & gas , chemical , pharma and shipbuilding industries
KITZ Corporation
tel : + 886-4-22655306
FBV Inc .
1-10-1 Nakase ,
fax : + 886-4-22650723
2121 Brittmoore Rd Suite 4000 ( continued above➚ )
Mihama-ku Chiba 261-8577 ( continued above➚ )
Rue du Marais 2 – 80400 Ham ( continued above➚ )
info @ terofox . com www . terofox . com ( continued above➚ )
http :// www . johnvalve . com . tw
https :// valve-world . net / buyersguide