Valve World Magazine August 2022 - Sample | Page 72

industry update

Mark Ruffin joins Teadit North America
Eijer appointed as president of KIVI
Mark Ruffin , one of the nation ’ s leading Bolted Flange Joint Subject Matter Experts , has accepted the position of Teadit North America ’ s Technical Director . Mark began his career as an engineer with three years at BP before joining the Chevron Corporation . During his 12 years at Chevron , Mark served as the corporate Sealing and Bolting Specialist , providing training , technical support , and AML approvals . He has authored and maintained standards for assembly of bolted-flanged connections and valve packing installation while also participating as a voting member on a myriad of industry standards committees . Based out of the El Segundo Refinery in Southern California , Mark was counted on to keep his organization as a top-performing producer in the oil and gas industry . After moving to Houston this summer , he will join Teadit and lead a team of Application Engineers and Technical Field Support Specialists .
Big savings with network monitoring
Jacolien Eijer was officially appointed president of the Royal Dutch Institute of Engineers ( KIVI ). She will immediately fulfill this role for at least three years . In doing so , she follows in the footsteps of Joanne Meyboom , who resigned from her position on 1 June . Jacolien Eijer : “ In recent years , I have spoken with great pleasure and conviction on behalf of engineering firms . During an image survey , I got a while back that engineers are seen as wizards . They can design things that normal people can ’ t imagine . And ... the image researcher also told me : that engineers never doubt that there is a solution . I think engineers and engineering thinking in the present time , with various crises that indicate
that the limits of our planet have been reached ( or have already passed , are very much needed to offer perspective .” Director of KIVI , Miguel Delcour adds : “ We are very much looking forward to an intensive collaboration and are pleased with her expertise in both the field of engineers and association matters .”
Marshall Excelsior acquires Specialty Valve
Marshall Excelsior Company ( together with subsidiaries , MEC ), a Harbour Group company , has acquired Specialty Valve Group ( SVG ). SVG is the exclusive distributor of Xanik products in the US . Xanik , based in Mexico City , is a leading manufacturer of specialty valves used in severe service applications and , since this past February , has been owned by MEC . Jeff Fox , Harbour Group ’ s chairman and chief executive officer , commented , “ SVG is an
Vexve is a supplier of district energy valve solutions the inventer of the iSENSE smart monitoring solutions product family , which has enabled energy companies to achieve significant savings and strengthen the supply security of Finnish district heating . Fortum Power and Heat Oy introduced Vexven ’ s iSENSE Pulse leakage detection system for its transmission line from the Kivenlahti biopower plant in Espoo . To operate , the system requires alarm wires inside the insulation that are connected to the iSENSE Pulse Smart Unit . During , the construction , the system was supervised by Timo Nousiainen , a Design Engineer from Caverion . iSENSE Pulse ’ s operation is based on pulse measurement . Leakage detection happens through the interpretation of pulse reflections and localization through the travel time of the pulse . Compared to the old measurement technology , the continuous , once-a-day measurement data obtained with iSENSE Pulse is accurate and enables taking proactive measures to extend the life of the network .
excellent addition to MEC as it provides us direct access to the Xanik customer base in the United States . Additionally , having a domestic warehouse will enhance our customer service and allow us to gain additional market share .”
72 Valve World August 2022 www . valve-world . net