Valve World Magazine August 2022 - Sample | Page 58


Word from the chairman :

Ayo Kilani , Head Mechanical ( Static ), NLNG , Nigeria

As Conference Chairman , it is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to the 12 th edition of the International Valve World Conference & Expo . The event will take place from November 29 to December 1 st of 2022 in Düsseldorf . First of all , I was pleasantly surprised to be nominated to chair the Valve World Conference 2022 . I attended the conference for the first time in 2016 , following a recommendation by a valve subject matter expert who works for one of our shareholder companies .
Prior to that time , I had led a team in my current organisation to develop a valve maintenance strategy for our critical valves and felt the need for other insights to further shape the strategy for flawless implementation . During the years , I have gained hands-on experience working with OEMs and maintenance contractors in developing a fit-for-purpose valve maintenance strategy to improve plant reliability and minimize occurrences of leaks and fugitive emissions . I am looking forward to sharing these experiences through my chairmanship and participation in the Valve World Conference 2022 .
A key expectation for me at this year ’ s conference is for participants to showcase products , services and to share insights that will help the various businesses achieve lower CAPEX and OPEX in the face of the volatility in the oil and gas market . In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic , there are still many uncertainties and associated risks .
“ The Valve World Conference is an excellent networking event , designed to meet up with old acquaintances or come into contact with new members of the global valve community .”
As for the conference , there will be something for everyone here . Each day starts with plenary lectures addressing global , broader aspects of the valve industry such as the energy transition ( decarbonisation ) or the future of the industry , looking at how end-user markets will develop in the aftermath of the pandemic . These lectures will provide food for thought as to how crucial end-user markets and the valve industry will develop in the near future .
There will be plenty of opportunity to exchange ideas with fellow-delegates or the presenters .
After all , the
Valve World Conference is an excellent networking event , designed to meet up with old acquaintances or come into con tact with new members of the global valve community .
I and the whole team who have helped to put this conference together look forward to meeting you there . Come and share your knowledge and enthusiasm with us and become an even more integral part of the valve community !

Valve World Conference 2022 Steering Committee

Ayo Kilani , NLNG ( chairman ) Bader Al-Jarallah , Aramco M . Al-Shiha , Aramco Carlo de Bernardi , ConocoPhillips Paul Clements , BP Clair Dwyer , Fluor Enterprises Inc Alexander Hein , BASF Ingolf Fra Holmslet , Klyde Consultants Kiyo Ichikawa , KCI Publishing Tomoharu Ishii , KITZ
Ville Kähkonen , Valmet Gobind Khiani , Enbridge Pipelines Bruno Martin , Technip Energies Ron Merrick , formerly Fluor Thijs van Munster , MRC Global Carl Neeskens , INEOS Masayuki Ono , JGC Holdings Corporation Bronson Pate , Tricord Consulting Rodney Roth , KAR Oil and Gas Technologies
Holger Schmidt , Areva Albert Seveso , Neway Marc Simoëns , Dow Benelux Tony Smart , formerly Shell Marty van Tilburg , Sitech Services Aurelien Tissot , Emerson Thomas Wagner , Framatome Shi Xiaolei , Wison Engineering Wojciech Zmudzinski , BP USA
58 www . valve-world-conference . com