Valve World Magazine April 2023 | Page 25


New steam flashing technology set to reduce valve erosion

Angle and globe valve flashing solutions stand to significantly increase control valve service life and alleviate costly erosion issues , says an industry expert .
Text and images by IMI Critical Engineering

Flashing caused by pressurised steam is a destructive phenomenon that occurs in many industries . When controlling steam flow , flashing can take place , and when this happens it can result in severe erosion and damage to the valve components . By reducing flow capacity and eroding the valve itself , flashing is causing unplanned maintenance , reduced reliability , and unacceptable critical safety risks , says Mike Semens-Flanagan , Global Engineering Director at IMI Critical Engineering . With the issue continuing to put pressure on bottom lines in the gas processing sector , Mr Semens-Flanagan is calling for the adoption of new technologies to help resolve these timely and costly issues . “ For years , plant operators in industries where pressurised steam is used , have struggled with reduced operational performance and diminished valve lifespan as a result of flashing erosion ,” explains Mr Semens- Flanagan . “ The spiralling maintenance and repair costs that ensue can partially be attributed to the wide-scale adoption of control valves ill-suited to withstand the extreme velocity and pressures over the valve structure .” “ To mitigate the safety risks of valve erosion and reduced asset performance , the sector must be open to new and accessible innovations ,” he continues . In line with this approach , IMI Critical Engineering has developed EroSolve Flashing solutions to cope with severe flow conditions based on IMI proven technology .”

EroSolve Flashing
The component ’ s angle configuration is designed with hardened trim material , an enhanced seat , and a multipath , multi-turn plug design to move flashing points away from critical trim parts and , therefore , withstand the most severe conditions . Its globe configuration option , on the other hand , utilises a seat basket to reduce downstream velocity and avoid damage to the valve body , without having to modify the existing pipe configuration . The effectiveness of EroSolve Flashing has already been demonstrated , for example in a combined cycle power plant that experienced erosion issues in the Heat
EroSolve Flashing trim cutaway .
EroSolve Flashing plug .
EroSolve Flashing seat .
Recovery Steam Generators ( HRSG ). Engineering analysis defined the root cause to be high-velocity vapour and low-velocity flow fluids , creating a high degree of flashing conditions . With EroSolve Flashing installed in May 2021 , the replacement component experienced no damage when inspected after a year of operating . “ Resolving safety concerns while maximising asset production efficiency , is a key priority across the gas processing sector ,” Mr Semens-Flanagan concludes . “ This is especially the case for valves in applications facing extreme velocity , pressures , and severe flashing . EroSolve Flashing has been configured to effectively overcome these difficulties and create significant savings in terms of lifecycle costs and valve maintenance . “ When accompanied by the maintenance and servicing experience of expert personnel , such as our own Valve Doctors ® , valve lifecycles can be extended by up to four times compared to similar products . At a time where all sectors and specifiers are under pressure to reduce capital expenditure and operating costs , selecting these solutions allow organisations to do more with less .”
Flashing occurs when the pressure of a fluid passing through a valve is lower than the same substance ’ s vapour pressure . This causes the fluid to boil – otherwise known as ‘ flashing ’. Flashing can both ‘ choke ’ the valve , reducing flow capacity through it , and can damage the valve itself through severe erosion . If left unchecked , flashing will reduce the operational performance and lifespan of the valve which is why IMI Critical Engineering has created a new solution , EroSolve Flashing , to cope with flashing conditions . This solution can replace the whole valve or just the trim as needed . EroSolve Flashing solutions will reduce valve erosion and operational costs , resulting in better performance , less maintenance , and a longer valve lifespan . www . valve-world . net Valve World April 2023