NUCLEAR ENERGY in the nozzle of the valve in Figure 3 . They are designed as egg cups and separated from each other by classical nozzles . Different flows are thus generated according to the azimuthal penetration in the valve . While the fluid is homogeneous upstream , it is forced to expand from the throat in a bellshaped nozzle or in a conventional nozzle . As soon as the throat is passed , the proposed geometry destroys all order in the flow and brutally creates an amount of entropy . No particle is identical to its neighbour , neither upstream nor downstream , neither to its left nor to its right . The stratified structure imposed on the flow forces it to immediately abandon the principle of least action and activate the principle of worst action , thus causing a deep mixing in the whole fluid mass . Non-linear transport phenomena suddenly activate the degradation processes . The final equilibrium point , or generalised disorder , is reached almost instantaneously . An opportunity offered by nature was seized , since it was possible to diversify the supersonic flows and suddenly put them side by side , creating an indescribable disorder in the world of very small particles . This application provides an experimental illustration of Boltzmann ’ s formula : S = k . ln W , which shows that the entropy S , i . e . the disorder , increases with the number of configurations W in the microscopic world . The non-stationary forces recorded on the stem of this valve allow a comparison between the new geometry equipped with vistemboirs and the conventional reference geometry . The raw test results are obtained during a burst . The full range of pressure ratios is then explored for a given lift . The comparison between the reference version A , and version B equipped with vistemboirs , gives spectacular results ( Figure 4 ): the signal delivered by the sensor of the valve with vistemboirs ( B ) is extremely low , almost zero , compared to the signal obtained with the initial geometry ( A ).
Figure 4 . Vistemboirs calm flows in control and safety valves .
Figure 5 . Influence of vistemboirs on the unsteady forces in an existing industrial valve
When the vistemboirs are used , they result in an immediate reduction of all fluctuating characteristics of the fluid system . This decisive improvement was obtained from the first attempt , which is the best proof of the effectiveness of this solution . In the second case B , the geometry imposed by the macroscopic world forces the molecular system to dislocate deeply in order to follow Boltzmann ’ s teachings . Non-linear transport phenomena create an intense degradation of the kinetic energy . The huge number of situations generates a lot of entropy and exhausts the kinetic power contained in the fluid . The unsteady characteristics of the flow are then reduced to nothing . This experiment , associated with visualizations , reveals a profound change in physics .
The difficulties related to operating valves are well-known and have long been considered necessary evils . It was even taught that the dissipation of a few tens of megawatts in a globe valve was impossible without vibration and noise . Recent discoveries in physics , including chaos theory and , more recently , dissipative structures , have led to a better understanding of how valves work . The method proposed in this text , simple in its realization , but very effective , allows action in a very different way in the molecular world and in our macroscopic world .
By organizing intense disorder in the microscopic world , the principle of worst action suppresses the possibility to create order and therefore avoids chaos in our macroscopic world . This possibility to eliminate many vibrations in industrial and nuclear power plants could also strongly reduce the causes of cracks and accidents . It should be noted that this method can easily be used on existing installations subjected to excessive vibrations . Figure 5 shows the significant improvement in the behaviour of an industrial valve equipped with vistemboirs . President Jimmy Carter , who had to deal with the Three Mile Island disaster in 1979 , wanted this information to be shared with as many people as possible . This significant improvement appeared in 1984 and is now available to all for the common good .
References Ilya Prigogine , Isabelle Stengers , La nouvelle alliance . Métamorphose de la science , Gallimard , 1979 Pluviose Michel , United States Patent 4,688,755 Aug . 25 , 1987 Method for stabilizing the flow of fluids at the time of expansion accompanied by kinetic energy degradation , a valve and a pressure reducer for carrying out said method . Pluviose Michel , Stabilization of Flow Through Steam-Turbine Control Valves , Transactions of the ASME , Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power , Vol . 111 , October 1989 Pluviose Michel , A Positive Lesson from the Accident at Three Mile Island . An Open Letter to Jimmy Carter , Former Président of the USA . Nuclear Exchange , September 2013 Pluviose Michel , A Remarkable Use of Energetics by Nature : The Chaotic System of Tropical Cyclones , International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences , IJAES , Vol . 13 , N ° 8 , 2018 Website :
www . pluviosemichel . com
www . valve-world . net Valve World April 2023