Valve World Americas October 2024 | Page 36


Issue 8 , October 2024
www . valveworldamericas . com
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Valve World Americas is the leading publication on valves , control valves , actuators and associated products with distribution in North , Central and South America .
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The Valve World Mexico Conference & Expo is Soon Approaching !


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The 2024 Valve World Mexico Conference & Expo will once again provide a meeting ground for the international valve industry . Taking place on Wednesday November 20 th & Thursday , November 21 st 2024 at the Sheraton Mexico City Maria Isabel .
Valve World Mexico promises to be the must attend valve event of the year . Last year ’ s conference brought together a myriad of valve professionals and end users to reconnect , network , talk shop , and collectively look forward to the future of this industry . With record attendance numbers expected , this year ’ s event will exceed expectations and provide attendees with several opportunities to learn about the latest industry developments .
The event is a great opportunity for companies to deliver their value to audiences from all levels of the community and key end user contacts on a global scale . It will cover a variety of industries including oil & gas , chemical , water & wastewater , agriculture , energy transition and more .
The conference portion of the event will feature several speakers , keynotes , workshops , and more . For attendees looking to attain professional development hours , conference delegates will be awarded certificates of completion . The Expo will showcase the latest technologies , materials , and systems in the field of flow control , presented by a variety of exhibitors .
36 Valve World Americas | October 2024 • www . valve-world-americas . net