Presently , valve companies generate a third of their revenues from products and services other than valves and parts ; these can be lumped together and called ‘ support ’. It includes smart valve systems , service , remote advice , valve performance monitors , and various automation components such as actuators |
and positioners . The Industrial Internet of Wisdom results from adding valve expertise to IIOT . The greater the extent that artificial intelligence is used in automation systems , the greater the need for niche personal experts . For example , a valve performance monitor |
provides tremendous amounts of information that AI can utilize in guidance . But how that guidance specifically applies to a niche situation is best determined by a niche expert . The more robust the AI system , the more need for expertise in smaller and smaller niches . |
Over the next ten years we are predicting that support revenues will grow at double digit rates . The valve support revenues captured by valve companies will be only a fraction of valve support revenues in total , the remainder will be captured in competition between the automation and |