Valve World Americas November 2024 | Page 28


Issue 9 , November 2024
www . valveworldamericas . com
Publishing Director
Sarah Bradley s . bradley @ kci-world . com
Valve World Americas is the leading publication on valves , control valves , actuators and associated products with distribution in North , Central and South America .
Shopia Ketheeswararajah s . ketheeswararajah @ kci-world . com
Editorial Team ( print & online )
Kristen Charles Vardon k . charlesvardon @ kci-world . com
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Advertising Team ( print & online )
Mathijs Gordon m . gordon @ kci-world . com
Gabriela Evangelista g . evangelista @ kci-world . com
Ciera Pierce c . pierce @ kci-world . com
Subscriptions ( print & online )
Eriko Ishiyama e . ishiyama @ kci-world . com


San Jacinto College LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical , Energy , and Technology


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Valve World Americas is published ten times per year . A renewal reminder will be sent towards the end of your subscription period .
ISSN 2211-260X
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• Outline presentation topic , scope of discussion , & relevant keywords
• Must be technical in nature ; commercial content will not be accepted
• Include your name , job title , company , & contact details
• Please email your abstract to Sarah Bradley ( s . bradley @ kci-world . com ) and Shopia Ketheeswararajah ( s . ketheeswararajah @ kci-world . com )
• Environmental , Social & Governance
• Installation , Operation & Maintenance
• Monitoring & Testing
• Air Permitting
• Emission Control & Prevention
• Valves , Flanges & Sealing Technology
• Leak Detection & Repair
• Emerging Technologies
• Regulatory Updates & Consent Decrees
• Best Practices
• Tanks
Exhibition stands provide an Ideal platform to showcase your company ’ s products and people . The price for the exhibition stand includes pipes , drapes setup and a basic stand furniture package , but excludes electricity . Contact us to book your stand today !
Sarah Bradley General Manager s . bradley @ kci-world . com | + 1 416-937-4796
Ciera Pierce Expo Account Manager c . pierce @ kci-world . com | + 1 416-937-4796
Shopia Ketheeswararajah Editor-in-Chief , Conference Coodinator s . ketheeswararajah @ kci-world . com | + 1 647-998-7030
28 Valve World Americas | November 2024 • www . valve-world-americas . net