extend the valve ’ s service life . By implementing these maintenance practices , we can proactively address potential issues and ensure the valves continue to operate reliably .”
“ In fact , one of the papers I submitted , which was published in Valve World , specifically focused on best maintenance strategies for critical valves . The paper highlighted the importance of adopting a comprehensive approach to valve maintenance , considering factors such as operating conditions , materials of construction , and the criticality of the application .”
Evolution and Advancements in Check Valve Selection
“ When it comes to the proper selection of check valves , one of the most significant developments in the last decade has been the incorporation of mathematical equations to determine the system ’ s dynamic characteristics . This involves calculating the system deceleration and expected reverse velocity to ensure that the selected valve operates within the non-slam region and that the pressure surge is limited to an acceptable level .”
“ In my experience , when troubleshooting check valves that are not performing well , such as those exhibiting unsteady operation , fluttering , or chattering causing excessive noise , the first aspect I examine is the system hydraulics , including pressure drop and velocity . I also analyze the system dynamics , which involves reviewing the deceleration curves provided by the valve manufacturer . Additionally , I assess the check valve installation and layout to determine whether the valve has been properly selected for the specific application .”
ing quickly in the event of a sudden reduced flow , effectively preventing pressure surges .”
“ One of the primary advantages of non-slam check valves is their ability to prevent pressure surges effectively . By doing so , they eliminate any resultant pressure fluctuations , vibration , and potential damage to the associated piping system . This makes non-slam check valves particularly valuable in applications where sudden flow changes are expected , and system integrity is crucial .”
“ In the oil and gas industry , particularly in refining , non-slam check valves are commonly used in various applications . These include high head multipump systems , centrifugal / reciprocating compressor piping discharge systems , high back pressure - low inertia pumps , and boiler feedwater systems , among others . In these applications , the use of non-slam check valves helps ensure smooth operation , minimizes the risk of system damage , and extends the overall service life of the valves and associated equipment .”
Evolutions and Enhancements in Non-slam Check Valve Design
“ There are different types of non-slam check valves , with the most common and widely used being :
“ To become a preferred supplier , valve manufacturers should prioritize responsiveness to end users ’ requests , particularly when it comes to field troubleshooting activities . Providing timely and comprehensive technical support is crucial in helping end users resolve issues efficiently and minimize downtime .” |
“ Another critical aspect is the availability of spare parts . End users often encounter difficulties in procuring critical spare parts , especially for valves that |
have become obsolete or have been discontinued by the manufacturer . Valve manufacturers should strive to maintain an adequate inventory of spare parts or provide alternative solutions to ensure end users can properly maintain and repair their valves , even for older models .”
Collaboration and Continuous Improvement in the Valve Industry
Miguel Gutierrez ’ s insights throughout this interview have highlighted the importance of collaboration between end users and valve manufacturers in addressing the challenges faced in valve selection and maintenance . By prioritizing effective communication , providing prompt technical support , and ensuring the availability of critical spare parts , valve manufacturers can establish themselves as reliable partners for end users . As the oil and gas industry continues to evolve , it is essential for both end users and valve manufacturers to work together to optimize valve performance and longevity . By staying informed about the latest developments in valve technology and best practices , and by maintaining open lines of communication , both parties can contribute to the continuous improvement of the valve industry .
Through shared knowledge and experiences , such as those provided by Miguel Gutierrez , the valve industry can continue to innovate and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the oil and gas sector , ultimately ensuring the safe , efficient , and reliable operation of facilities worldwide .
“ By conducting a thorough analysis of these factors , it becomes possible to identify the root cause of the check valve ’ s poor performance . This analysis helps determine whether the issue stems from improper valve selection , suboptimal installation , or a mismatch between the valve ’ s characteristics and the system ’ s requirements .”
“ The evolution in check valve selection has been driven by a growing understanding of the importance of considering system dynamics and hydraulic conditions . Manufacturers have responded by providing more detailed data and tools to assist in the selection process , enabling engineers to make more informed decisions and minimize the risk of valve failure or suboptimal performance .”
Non-slam Check Valves : Working Principles , Applications , and Advantages
“ A check valve must operate in a way that avoids the formation of excessively high surge pressure when the valve closes and limits rapid fluctuating movements of the valve closure member , which is known as slamming . These rapid fluctuations or sudden closure can damage the valve internals , subsequently affecting the valve ’ s performance . In some cases , it might also compromise the integrity of the associated piping system .”
“ Non-slam check valves are designed to close without slamming , which means they do not create excess pressure surges . These valves have a limited short stroke , which facilitates soft clos-
• Dual plate check valves
• Nozzle or axial flow type check valves
• Tilting disc check valves ”
“ For each type or category , recognized valve manufacturers worldwide have substantially enhanced their valve designs by using advanced tools such as computational fluid dynamics ( CFD ), finite element analysis ( FEA ), and flow test benches . The ultimate objective of these enhancements is to improve the valve ’ s dynamic performance , sealing capabilities , and the resistance of internal parts against reverse flow .”
“ These tests and simulations recreate different scenarios where the valve internals ’ design and configuration are slightly modified until an optimum design is achieved to satisfy the valve ’ s dynamic performance requirements .”
Strategies for Valve Manufacturers to Become Preferred Suppliers for End Users
“ As end users , one of the challenges we often face is the need for effective communication and technical support from valve manufacturers , especially when troubleshooting valves that are not performing optimally . In these situations , we collect data and consult directly with the valve manufacturer to find alternative solutions . However , sometimes the communication channels and technical support provided by the manufacturers do not meet our expectations , leaving room for improvement .”