Across the Americas
The Oneida Energy Storage ( OES ) Project is owned and operated by Northland Power in cooperation with NRStor , the Six Nations of the Grand River Development Corporation , and AECON . AECON is responsible for constructing the facility for this innovative project . Upon completion in 2025 , OES will be one of the largest facilities in the world to store clean energy . It will serve as a 250 MW / 1,000MWh advance stage , detached lithium-ion battery storage facility , with a storage capacity on the province of Ontario ’ s clean electricity grid of 475 MW , more than double the current capacity of 225 MW . Northland Power owns the majority of the CAD $ 6 billion project and will manage the facility ’ s construction , financing , and operation . The project , which is situated on 10 acres in southwestern Ontario , will decrease emissions by up to 4 million tonnes . This project provides a tremendous boost to Ontario ’ s clean energy infrastructure , supplies grid stability , and integrates renewable energy . 1
Virginia is committed to being the first 100 % clean energy southern state with a zero-emission power grid by 2050 . The state is partnering with EVLO Energy Storage Inc . ( EVLO ), a subsidiary of Hydro-Quebec that provides battery energy storage systems . The system will have a capacity of 18.8 MW / 75.24 MWh , and when it becomes operational in 2025 , it will be one of Virginia ’ s most prevalent independent storage projects . This project is part of a trio of BESS projects that will support the Virginia Clean Economy Act . The system will enable increased grid reliability . As part of the project , EVLO will achieve UL 9540 certification , which is the safety standard in North America for batteries connected to electricity grids . In addition , EVLO will employ heightened fire safety measures and exercise a validation plan that safeguards the system ’ s operations by assessing the system during real-life situations . 5
1 . https :// www . northlandpower . com / en / projects-and-updates / oneida-energy-storage . aspx # Documents-Links 2 . https :// www . power-technology . com / news / rwe-initiates-construction-450mw-energy-storage-texas / 3 . https :// en . newsroom . engie . com / news / in-chile-engie-starts-commercial-operation-of-the-largest-battery-energy-storage-system-in-latin-america-7175-314df . html
4 . https :// www . wartsila . com / media / news / 20-05-2024-cura % D2 % ABao-takes-important-step-towards-a-sustainable-energy-future-with-wartsila-battery-energy-storage-system- 3449282 #:~: text = Technology % 20group % 20W % C3 % A4rtsil % C3 % A4 % 20will % 20supply , energy % 20future % 20for % 20the % 20island
5 . https :// evloenergy . com / projects / virginia-2 www . valve-world-americas . net • November 2024 | Valve World Americas 19