Value Pages-Davis County_October 2023 Davis_NOV_WEB | Page 4

soFt water math 101

With ki Etico , 1 bag of salt = 3 bags of salt . n

If you love soft water but don ’ t love dragging in a ton of salt from the car , here ’ s good news . On average , Kinetico water softeners use only one bag of salt for every three that other softeners use . That ’ s two bags you won ’ t have to carry while you watch your neighbors lug in three .

The secret is found in Kinetico ’ s all-mechanical design that ( 1 ) cycles based on actual water flow , which , therefore , never wastes salt , and , therefore , ( 2 ) almost never goes out of adjustment , and , therefore , ( 3 ) keeps working nonstop day and night , virtually maintenance-free , for years and years .
Imagine ! No more sore back from carrying in all that salt . No more fiddling with finicky controls . No more putting up with inconsistent softening .
Why not let Kinetico of Utah show you how an efficient , dependable water softener works ?
For a free , no-obligation demonstration and estimate in the privacy of your home , call us at 801-290-8335 or visit www . SoftWaterUtah . com .
Kinetico Premier Series ® S650 XP
Rugged , reliable water softeners
Free , no-obligation , in-home estimate : www . SoftWaterUtah . com 801-290-8335
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Just look at that tiny salt bin !