There are many people out there this time of year that look back over the last few months to see where they are going and how their future holds. As someone who helps guide people in this area on a daily basis, I have started to find a couple of things in common with those that are having the easiest ride in life or at least the easy ride at this moment. The keys are two fold, one learn to accept all that has happened as a lesson, not as a stigma and second learn to release the rest. This month, I am going to concentrate of lessons learned. Next month we’ll talk about releasing the rest.
What Shapes Us Everyone has a story and stories come in all shapes and sizes. For some, the story is one of triumph over tragedy. Others just seem to know what to do to and that no matter what happens, they always seem to come out on top. How do that do that? How can you do the same? Wouldn’t it be great if no matter what happened to you, you didn’t hold on to it like it was a life raft? That in some ways you used the story or the incident as a piece of wood, floating along that you cling to until it is safe for you to release yourself and swim to safety?
A Story Is Just a Story The answer is actually simple. A story is just a story! The key to keeping a story just a story is not allowing it to hold a lot of weight. For example, if you are suddenly unemployed or left by a lover or hit by overwhelming debt, this does not mean that forever in your life you will always be poor, unemployed or alone. Instead, look it as a lesson. Maybe the money was lost so that you could learn the value of money and the value of the things you bought with the money. Of course, if you have nothing to show for all of that debt, then the lesson is most likely that you didn’t give your money the respect it deserved. It wasn’t used to for its highest good in terms of housing or food or helping the less fortunate. Instead did you burn it on fancy cars, exotic vacations, and fancy gifts? Whatever it was, now is the time to realize it was just a choice and a lesson. It is not your life destiny. It is not who you are now. It could have been who you were then… perhaps someone lost in a cloud, caught in an addiction to buy your way into a life that never fit. And then once you were there, you burned through the rest thinking it will always just come back. Well that isn’t always the case. I am not saying you are always going to be poor because clearly that is the same choice as being rich. What I am saying is that by changing your relationship with money or the event that you are carrying with you as a badge of honor, you will ultimately change your life direction.
It is All a Choice The same could be said if you are suddenly and unexpectedly single. Just because what you thought was the perfect relationship fell apart does not mean you are damaged. Yes, you may have some issues to work through…but permanently damaged? NO! One way to look at these issues is that they too are lessons. They are lessons in how you not only relate to others but how you relate to yourself. Yes, yourself. Because I would wager there were signs along the way that your relationship was in trouble. Did you see them? Did you ignore them? Was there awkward silence? Was it the communication that fell apart? And if so, how? Now don’t go blaming yourself because blame too could be considered your story. What I am suggesting is that noticing the signs, noticing the reality and then taking positive steps to change could be the lesson. Maybe it is something completely different. Whatever it is though, it is just a lesson. Simple as that. It is not our definition. It does not mean our life will always be the way it is now. We have the power to change it. We changed something to get into the situation which blew up. Now all we need to do is acknowledge it, take a few pointers from it and then move on. Yes, much more easily said than done and it is in the doing that gives us our strength back. It is in the doing that redefines who we are and what we want in life. It Does Get Better So do yourself a favor… let go of all of those pieces of wood holding you above the water. Swim to the shore and shout out your truth. Seek shelter away from those negative people or situations that you have allowed to define you. All you need to do is make the decision to change. Ask your guides for help, ask for direction, and ask for assistance. It is easy and it works. You could also choose to ask a trusted psychic for my help. I can help you get clear on what the lessons were and what you were supposed to take from them. I can help you get in touch with your angels and guides and help give you that one message- that one thought which could turn everything around. All you need to do is visit my website today to book a consultation. I promise that by working with your guides and your intuition, you will get the help you need. You will finally be able to make your old story just an old story. Instead you will create a new story pushing you in the right direction… one where your guides and spirits are guiding you with love and confidence to peace, prosperity, love and connection.
About Bob The Psychic Bob The Psychic is your trusted tarot advisor. Thanks to his gift, Bob is an intuitive channel, psychic, tarot and certified angel card reader. Bob's intention is to help people connect to their future by sharing the divine wisdom from the angels and guides that surround all of us. Along with the use of the cards, Bob has the ability to channel. With this special gift, you will hear directly from Bob’s guide who will speak to you messages of love and comfort.
Bob is well reviewed on Yelp and appears at many events each month across the Phoenix Area including the Phoenix First Friday Artwalk near the corner of 4th Street and Roosevelt. Thanks to, Bob provides messages and readings to people from around the world.
Bob is most often asked about relationships and finances by clients who will tell you his readings are direct, concise, and suggestively helpful. He is always open to listening and delivering the message that you need to hear. For more information about Bob’s services, visit