Valken Newsletter Spring 2013 | Page 10



Diefenbunker Game

We made history while playing in a piece of history this March . Paintball players , and Valken Corps members in particular , had the unique opportunity to play in the Cold War Diefenbunker located in Debert , Nova Scotia .
Over two days ( March 9th and 10th ) players were allowed the incredible chance to play in an actual bunker from the Cold War , built to house the Nova Scotia government in the event of a nuclear attack .
Day One was a tactical event organized and planned by the Maritimes Valken Corps favoring Mag Fed markers and sidearm ’ s . Players were assigned to either the Canadian or Russian teams , and divided into three squads . The squads then competed in a series of tactical missions ranging from traditional capture and control , to “ bomb ” disarming , from POW retrieval , right down to good ol ’ fashioned assassination .
Players came from all over the Maritime region to participate . And while there were some growing pains with the logistics of running this first event of its kind , the staff soon had a system worked out and the rest of the tactical games went off without a hitch .