Valdosta Scene July 2022 | Page 44

Summer basketball team champions
“ The aviation drone class began four years ago . I wanted to teach kids the basics of flying a drone , getting it off the ground , and back down . I also want to teach them drone operations and how to take the propellers on and off . This is all leading up to competitions in our group .
“ The young ladies mentoring program- Young Ladies Circle with Ambition , is year-round but meets two days a week during the summer . The young ladies ages 10-12 are taught etiquette , resume writing , setting goals , and preparing to create the life they want .
“ Scholarships from the local ELKS Lodge provide the pool passes . The housing authority pays for all of their children to get pool passes for free as long as their parents sign up and provide the necessary information . We also do the pool passes at another location across town . People always ask us about the community member who provided pool passes , but she did that independently , and it was not connected to the center , park district , or housing authority .”
Newson said some additional summer programs that VLPRA offers are summer camps at another site , tennis camps , and the Fourth of July fireworks .
In addition to Newson ’ s role as the director of the Mildred Hunter Center , he is a pastor . He is
a native of Georgia and a former college football player . He has been married for 24 years and has four children .
“ My four children know that kids are my passion . Over 30 years ago , I prayed and asked the Lord about what to do with my life , and he put me with youth ,” he said . “ God has given me a knack for kids , particularly young men . I have a passion for young people .
“ I am a father figure to a lot of the young men . They know when you are genuine and when you are phony . They need you to spend time with them . They need you to keep your word , follow through and not lie to them . They need you to punish them when necessary with some tough love . They need you to build them back up when they make a mistake .”
The love of the youth has kept Newson in his position for more than 20 years . He provides snacks and food for all of the summer activities . He has been in his role long enough to see youth join the military , go off to college or start their career .
“ Youth need to be encouraged and challenged ,” he said . “ My reward is seeing youth follow their passion and their goals .”
To learn more about the Mildred Hunter Community Center , visit the website www . vlpra . com / 158 / Mildred-Hunter-Community-Center .
Andre Newson with marching pride mentees
44 Valdosta Scene | July 2022