7Put Yourself In Tough Situations . I knew if I was going to have a chance at winning at the world championships and at speeding up the learning curve , I would have to go head to head against the martial artists who were ranked in the top 10 . This required travel and a lot of hard life lessons .
8Accept That Failure Is
Part Of The Process . Many of my competitions took me to far away places and brought my own defeats including injuries , no trophy and questions about whether I was doing the right thing in pursuing such a large goal . Successful people make things look easy . Keep in mind they have probably paid their dues in many ways that we don ’ t even have a clue about . You will pay your dues as well . You can count on it .
9Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs .
One of the things I enjoy most about pursuing big goals is overcoming my doubts and fears . Learning to manage your inner thought is a very large part of goal attainment . The list of negative possibilities is endless . I ’ m too old , too young , not smart enough , not worthy enough , etc . You have to direct your mind towards the thoughts that will spark your goals and allow you to imagine your dreams are possible .
Declare Your Intention .
10You may not declare your goal to others but you
definitely want to declare them to yourself . I wrote myself a note card that claimed the goal I had the intention of reaching . I placed it where I would see it every day . Write your goal down and place this somewhere you ’ ll see every day throughout the day .
Bonus : If Your Partner Is Seeking Their Dream , Support Them . I know for a fact that I could never have achieved the success I have as a martial artist , a therapist , a man , a husband and a parent without the love , encouragement and belief that my wife , Dorraine , has given me . If your partner is a good partner , believe in them and get behind them in the pursuit of their heart .
February 2023 | Valdosta Scene 47