Valdosta Scene December 2023 | Page 47



( George Washington ’ s original interpretation )
1 quart cream 1 quart milk 1 dozen tablespoons sugar 1 pint brandy 1 / 2 pint rye whiskey 1 / 2 pint Jamaican rum 1 / 4 pint sherry
Eggs ( Washington forgot to include the number of eggs , so home chefs can improvise or use six , which seems to be the standard in traditional recipes )
Mix liquor first , then separate yolks and whites of eggs , add sugar to beaten yolks , mix well . Add milk and cream , slowly beating . Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into mixture . Let sit in cool place for several days . Taste frequently .
Tip : Today ’ s recipe makers may want to set the eggnog in the refrigerator as the “ cool place ” of choice .
December 2023 | Valdosta Scene 47