After losing millions in funding , one of vaping ’ s most revered and celebrated review groups is racing to secure its future .
Words : Jordan Millar
In a ‘ huge loss ’ for public health and a dark day for harm reduction , the world-renowned Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group announced it will close its doors in March 2023 .
This comes after its primary income source – the National Institute for Health Research ( NIHR ) – cut its funding for all Cochrane review groups .
The news sent shockwaves across the industry , with critics questioning why the NIHR axed its grant for such a widely respected group and brought an end to the CTAG ’ s 30-year-long legacy .
Public health researcher Gareth Hollands said : I ’ m very sorry to see this decision , the Cochrane TAG produces so much high-quality and useful evidence that it will undoubtably impact the global efforts to reduce tobacco harms .
“ I fail to see how the benefits of a stable presence , extraordinary , accrued expertise and knowledge can be replaced … Cochrane Review Groups should be cherished .”
Critics stressed that , with all the misinformation and controversy that plagues the vape industry , a science-led voice of reason can be hard to come by .
They said that the end of the CTAG – which is responsible for a catalogue of evidenceled reviews highlighting the lifesaving potential of vaping – would only hurt harm reduction efforts .
However , a spokesperson for the independent body said it is developing a new review production model that could allow it to continue its work , even after Cochrane ‘ ceases to exist ’.
They said : “ While we are not certain what the future holds , we are grateful to have