V-Day Annual Report 2023 | Page 31

V-WORLD FARM is a living classroom for the women of City of Joy where they learn agropastoral and permaculture techniques that feed the residents of City of Joy . Weekly , food and supplies are transported from the farm to the City of Joy .

131 workers carry out the work , including 22 graduates of COJ and 34 women from the surrounding population .
The farm provides a bounty of crops from carrots , cassava , and corn to tomatoes , soya , and bean crops , encouraging biodiversity of the land . Since YEAR , it has also produced coffee . In YEAR 48.2 kilos of honey were harvested from 48 hives !
To achieve all of this , farm staff focus on the following areas :
• Livestock production of pigs , rabbits , goats and sheep
• Fish production ( 24,000 fish ) activities are carried out in an area of 125 acres and produced 5304.7 kilos of fish .
• Rice production across an area of 6.8 hectares yielding 4038.5 kg annually .
• Vegetable production across an area of 2 hectares yielded 5451.75 kilos of market garden products and 1068 fruits from the orchard / 5965 kg annually .
• Drainage system covering 4.4 hectares
• 4.4 km of roads which facilitate easy transportation of food
• Reforestation covering an area of 19.8 hectares